Kingdom Hearts Anonymous 32457
What's the best way to get into the series? The games, the manga or the light novels?
Anonymous 32458
>>32457Only moids like this thing, go back.
Anonymous 32461

Games, just play in release order. The manga adaptations are cute but don't give the complete story, they're supplemental.
Anonymous 32662
Just play 1, 2, BBS and 3. The story is a horrible nonsensical mess even if you play all the other games so save yourself the trouble by not playing the worst.
Anonymous 32663
>>32457Play the three core games then read the Wiki to fill in the blanks.
Anonymous 32664
Play the games in release order (remasters are fine). But I must warn you: this series is extremely dumb and chuuni and beyond cringe if you're no longer in your teens.
Anonymous 34433

Don't listen to the cynics. There's dumb plot stuff but it's all part of the wild ride and you can easily look past it and have fun if you see it that way and get invested enough in the characters
Anonymous 34837
play in order nona!! its very rewarding
Anonymous 34846
Simple and Clean gives me nostalgia panic attacks.
Anonymous 36211
>>32662skipping Days is awful. it's super fun and missing out on more Roxas is silly.