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Any other Half-Life fans on CC? Anonymous 32822

Favorite GoldSrc/Source Engine game/mod?
The original Half-Life was what convinced me I liked videogames. I still remember getting a copy of it from Goodwill, confident that my dad's office PC would be able to run something this old and it could! That started me down the first (and last) good rabbithole the internet has to offer.
>Hearing this for the first time during Questionable Ethics

Anonymous 32829

The Specialists will always be my favorite. But lets be real, Source's only lasting contribution to society is all the porn.

Anonymous 32844

I disagree. Their games have had staying power.
I guarantee if Valve announced Half-Life 3 tomorrow it would still be an industry rupturing event even today.

Anonymous 32860

If Half-Life 3 were announced, it would be because Based Winter Sales Man finally came out of his cave after 15 years, not because people fondly remember the games. Remember a new HL came out just a couple years ago and nobody cared.

Half-Life's real legacy is making games more boring. Before the first game, twitch shooters like Quake were the norm. HL1 was lauded for it's immersive, atmospheric storytelling experience, which really just meant long stretches were the player doesn't do anything.

Anonymous 32874

>If Half-Life 3 were announced, it would be because Based Winter Sales Man finally came out of his cave after 15 years, not because people fondly remember the games.
It would be hyped indefinitely regardless of how true this is (it's not)
> Remember a new HL came out just a couple years ago and nobody cared.
Alyx is the most universally approved VR game. It had a small player base relative to the other 2 games because anybody with a single transistor in their house can run them and you need a proper gaming PC and a VR headset to play it, but even for such a limited player base, headsets were sold out everywhere after its release. It is still after 3 years considered THE PCVR game.
>Half-Life's real legacy is making games more boring.
25 years of people repeating this and it's still not true.

Anonymous 33751

omg i love half life so much my favorite weapon is the shotgun my least favorite chapter is on a rail and i really like the tau cannon and i also really like headcrabs

Anonymous 33753

So this was the game where all those gmod memes came from

Anonymous 33764

Is there a way to play HL Alyx non-VR-ly? I wonder how they're now going to pull off future games' storyline considering the whole ending of Alyx.

Anonymous 33765

A mod for that probably exists already somewhere.
>I wonder how they're now going to pull off future games' storyline considering the whole ending of Alyx.
Well, Gordon would probably go alone on his journey then, and that means they won't have to worry about making a good ally AI. With Alyx scooped up, I can see it going two ways: either Gordon somehow saves her, or the G-Man deploys here somewhere so she could save Gordon.

Anonymous 33890

It's not going to be enjoyable without VR.
>I wonder how they're now going to pull off future games' storyline considering the whole ending of Alyx.
I hope at this point they go with a story change up as drastic as the one between 1 and 2 was foe the next game. I don't really care about the Borealis at this point.

Anonymous 35565

my friend thought she had to climb the barnacle

Anonymous 35668

there's non vr mods but there's no point to doing so
unlike most vr games alyx was designed with the unique playstyle in mind so a lot of the action has to do with you making the motions yourself
you don't need a valve vr to run it though, any headset connected to your pc will do

Anonymous 35703


Cry of fear is my favorite gold source mod and my favorite source engine mod is Half life Redux

Anonymous 36307


Sorry for replying to an old thread but i love Half-Life so much, i'm surprised i've found some fans here!
My favorite mod is Dark interval, you can see it here https://www.moddb.com/mods/dark-interval.
It's a mod that tries to recreate the beta of Half-Life 2 that we never got, it has an incredible vibe and i think it's very well made. Even though it's not complete, i've notice that the creators continue to update it!

Noticed that you posted Nuclear mission jam so i thought to share my fave ost: https://youtu.be/DPqXT4dyfNY?si=N97v1Yrt48NcxTGI

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