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Monster Hunter Anonymous 32891

Any MonHun ladies around? Next game got announced, Monster Hunter Wilds.

Post some of your favorite Monsters, weapon types, and cold to hot takes on the games and players.

Anonymous 32909

I'm not a player yet, but am really interested in this franchise.
Can anyone reccomed me the best game to start with for a complete newbie?

Anonymous 32967


Anonymous 33005

I like the gunlance. I know it does lower damage than other weapons but it's methodical and fun to me. Plus it go boom.

I fucking hate Rajang. He's not fun to fight and they need to just stop putting him in everything.

Breaking parts got nerfed for no reason in Rise. Breaking Samurai Kitty's tail should stop him from using his tail beam.
What consoles do you have? Do you have anybody to teach you?

Honestly the answer will probably be to either play Rise or World. It's very difficult to play older MonHun games especially if nobody more experienced is helping you because it's super frustrating. I tried playing Generations Ultimate by myself and never quite understood how it worked until someone explained it to me. Like, skills didn't do anything until I had 10 points in them or that I should look online for weapon trees. Granted, there's in-depth tutorials, but it helps to get carried for a while.

Anyway, start with an easy weapon like longsword and use the training area to get combos down before trying your first big monster.

Anonymous 33007

I have only PC and unfortunately no one to teach me, so I guess, World is my choice.
Thank you for your advice, nona.

Anonymous 33026

Go play around with different weapons and take it slow. If you get frustrated just try and change how you play. MonHun is about positioning and timing your moves. If you try and brute force or rush a monster you'll get kicked around like a soccer ball.

Anonymous 33231

>go to Ancient Forest to farm small monsters
>Kulu appears
>Pukei-Pukei appears
>slay them both
>mid fight Anjanath appears and starts chasing me
>decide that I am strong enough to slay it
>fight and chase it, during fight Rathian drops from the skies
>oh no no no no
>run from her to higher area
>Rathalos swoops at me
What a game, I got chased by almost every
I still enjoyed this a lot. I get used to dual blades and clutch claw, but I still don't really understand how to use traps and slinger. But I'll figure it out anyway

Anonymous 33233

*every monster in the area

Anonymous 33410


I'm really looking forward to Wilds. I loved MH World and it was engaging just going on aimless expeditions and observing the ecosystem. Wilds seems like an open world game and I'm hopeful Capcom could deliver one that's actually fun.

I'm a worldbab though, I tried some of the 3DS titles and the controls made my wrists and fingers ache and it still felt so clunky. Didn't really feel Rise either, the hunts were super short and there was so much gimmick content you were forced to do.

My favorite monsters in World were Odogaron, Nergigante and Lunastra. As for weapons, I played charge blade and insect glaive a lot but I'm a grug at heart and hammer was the most fun in the end.

Anonymous 33539

The 3DS games are pretty rough. I had a friend try to get me in to the series with 4 but it didn't take until I played Rise. At this point I've gone and played Generations Ultimate with that person and I'm happy to have experienced crusty Pre-World MonHun but I wouldn't have done it myself.

I was trying to play Sword and Shield and running at enemies all the time so it's no wonder I had a bad time.

Anonymous 33555

Since devs decided to go with more attention to ecology in MHW, I hope MHWilds will put even more emphasis on it. It already starts good with that huge herd of herbivores. I really hope to see some parenting behaviour (with monster babbehs, of course) and partner courting behaviour. That would be a really nice touch to the realism.
Speaking of favourite monster, I like Rathian. Her design is simple, but that is what makes it great, she's the most wyverny wyvern ever made. She has fair and fun fight unlike Rathalos who is just annoying and spams aerial fireballs constantly. I hate how fandom treats her like weaker wifey of Rathalos who constantly cucks him. No, she is just as strong, the most succesful forest predator and a good mother to her Rathlings.

Anonymous 34045

I think it's nice time to bump this thread when 20th anniversary is here

Anonymous 34050


Anonymous 34516


Anyone else plays MH Stories? I got MHST2 recently and I am so hooked on this stupid Pokémon clone with great swords

Anonymous 34519


I played Monster Hunter 3 on the Nintendo wii. It was really hard and I never beat it.

Anonymous 34553

Just read the text, it's not hard
Everything is explained in the older games, people insist on not reading and then leaving bad reviews
How far did you get?

Anonymous 34556

70 hours into the game and I only reached HR 13. Gog, I need to git gud. But at least I enjoy smacking big animals with two blades. I also tried playing Freedom 1 on emulator, but playing it with keybord is pain, so I kind of dropped it. I also got into Stories 2, they are gud

Anonymous 34560

Take it at your own pace, don't rush anything, the first MH game I played all those years ago it took 50 hours to beat the village and see the credits for the first time. Now it probably wouldn't take me five

Anonymous 34565

Woah the art style resembles the last two Zelda games so much, and she's dressed like a female Link.

Anonymous 35351


I love baby seikrets

Anonymous 35406

I’m actually excited that they’re not gender locking the armor. I never play as a female in MH cause I hate the sexy armor so now I can play as gigastacy and objectify my male avi

Anonymous 36520


How's it going, hunters? What are your opinions on Wilds? I can't play it, because potato PC, but from what I've seen it kinda feels like World 2

Anonymous 36521

Modern MH bad.

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