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Black Butler Anonymous 33426

Does anyone here like black butler? My favorite part is honestly the victorian aesthetic lol

Anonymous 33433

I did in the past, but can't be bothered to read the new manga chapters. It should end already.

Anonymous 33435

I used to love the manga but holy shit is it painfully slow.. I have to drop it for several months and read the chapters I missed in one go before restarting the cycle to feel any progress

Anonymous 33438

i like it a lot, altho the mangaka's very obvious shota/yaoi roots and prefrences were too in your face in the first two arcs (and the big twist arc)
otherwise i was surprised to find it's very well written, the lead up to the reveal was very good and the story and progression is only hurt by it's schedule, otherwise i think it would be much more mainstream (the same applies to owari no seraph and blue exorcist)

Anonymous 33687

it's still going??? wtf i thought the 3 seasons were all there were to it when i was like 12

Anonymous 33710

Same. I don’t have the perseverance for long series. But I really enjoyed the anime. I also like the victorian aesthetic and the dark themes. The humor was also nice

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