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Anonymous 33630

What are Crystal Cafe's thoughts on arcades and arcade games in general?

Anonymous 33635

Barcade is my favorite date night

Anonymous 33636

I went to an arcade not too long ago and after playing the original machines I now understand what people mean when they say emulators can never do them justice. I still think paying 80 grand for them is fucking insane though.

Anonymous 33637

I played DDR for the first time a while back and I have no idea how to git gud. I did okay in the tutorial but as I soon as I did Bad Apple I couldn't figure it out. I've seen people grab the bar behind the dancepad but that didn't help. Thank god the arcade was empty. I loved playing Taiko though.

Anonymous 33638

I like the dancing games but I dislike when other people are there besides me. I've considered just purchasing my own machine for home use.

Anonymous 33640

When I become a billionaire I will open an arcade with no mind as to whether or not it turns a profit.

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