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Female Auteur Media Anonymous 34015

I feel like the only female auteurs that I ever know about are always writers or mangakas, which are driven by a single person most of the time. I'd like to get to know more in other mediums, like film, animation, video games, etc.

BTW what I mean by auteur is someone that has complete creative control if not sole authors of their respective works

Anonymous 34020

How about music?

Anonymous 34296

Maybe not what you had in mind, but the first woman to come to mind is EL James. While her books started as fanfic of something else, she wrote them herself and they got published that way with only minimal changes for copyright reasons. She also had full control over the movies.

I'm surprised she isn't championed more as a business woman as she was very smart about gaining popularity for very mediocre writing and then leveraging that in book sales and then controlling the movies. She's also been smart enough to stay quiet and avoid controversy (excluding over the contents of her books).

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