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Anonymous 34169

Thoughts? How would you feel about hiring him? He's had a book written on him as well, with more examples of his requests and details into the motivation behind it.

Japan is pretty notorious for its various relationship-selling services, and part of it definitely comes down to their social norms (sensitivity to obligation and imposition, which makes relationships strained). However, the way it looks to me, it seems that their state of society is in fact way ahead of the curve, and not in a good way. Seems like in the years to come, with automation and AI taking over our jobs, and only the soulless drudge of exploitative manual labor too complicated for machines to do being left, a new niche will open up in the job market - playing the role of a human by selling closeness and compassion. What's even more interesting is that this guy doesn't even really offer anything more than his presence, and yet his clients still feel like he helps them.

Anonymous 34172

He seems like a reliable professional so he would be good to have around. He could follow me as I shop and act very nonchalant and every 5 minutes or so he asks me something mundane. If someone bothers me he stands between them and me and I slink away.

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