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I’m not a libfem but…. Anonymous 34364

Don’t jump me but I absolutely love Ethel Cains music. I know he’s a troon but his music is just so good. His songs have joined my comfort playlist along with mitski and lana del ray. My favourite songs have to be A House in Nebraska and White Light.

Anonymous 34366

Shit taste. His music is boring.

Anonymous 34369

Does he go around and tell everyone he's a troon?

Anonymous 34388

never heard this guy's music but I might check it out. Related, I genuinely enjoy most contrapoints videos. Don't shoot me, he's just good at making video essays.

Anonymous 34391

Anonymous 34401

I like Queen Bee (女王蜂).

Anonymous 34407

Oh, no. I'm becoming old. For some reason I thought Ethel Cain was a whole band.

Anonymous 34410

you can enjoy him all you want but him singing about his little incest fantasies and about female experiences he'll never understand is hugely disrespectful and retarded

Anonymous 34418

>Ethel Cain is a troon
The first I’ve heard of this. I don’t listen to his music despite hearing about it all the time from women with better taste than me so I’m not disappointed but it definitely doesn’t make me want to check him out.

Anonymous 34419

girl i love ethel too <3
you should check out nicole dollanganger, she has skme great songs that are similar to ethel's sound!

Anonymous 34587

Eek he's advocating for assassinations now

Anonymous 34592

Ridiculously overrated album & artist. A shame that he got popular when there are plenty of women that have done much better songs than this 2deep4u nonsense album.
Chelsea Wolfe, Weyes Blood, Daugther, Frankie Cosmos, Grouper to name a few, and on an extremely niche side there is Yikii, all with excellent albums that convey emotions and a message without being the fetish of a weirdo.

Anonymous 34752

none of those are niche

Anonymous 34758

What do you love so much about this unoriginal skinwalking incel's music about his horrifying fetishes?

Anonymous 34770

that is against the christian god

Anonymous 34984

Its okay nona, i love throbbing gristle and enjoy a lot of other stuff gen p orridge did. on the oposite end of the spectrum, im a big boyd rice fan and a burzum fan, but im not a nazi or a white supremist. its just the art that you enjoy, not the artist.

Anonymous 35181

idk I think contrapoints has the ability to be intelligent but the malebrain pornjokes every other second and all the stupid jokes make it hard to watch

Anonymous 35193


you can enjoy his music but never forget this

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