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Anonymous 34714

What's the best romance story you've ever read/watched?

Anonymous 34743

Anonymous 34805


Kinda hard to pick "The" best romance story, but I really loved Kagome and Inuyasha's relationship.

Anonymous 34808


Otoyomegatari. This is Talas, my fav

Anonymous 35217

I know yurishit is unpopular here but I really liked tonari no robot.

Anonymous 35513


I remember really liking Kamisama Kiss as a teenager

Anonymous 35515

Mostly a fujo, but I really liked it too

Anonymous 35560

NANA. It's realistic to the T.

Anonymous 36074


I barely read romance in general but the first thing that comes to my mind is Paperbag-kun Is In Love/Kamibukuro-kun wa Koishiteru. It's a short but very sweet and comfy story, also, having a masked character it's a plus for me.

Ooooh, the art is so detailed, I'll check it out sometime.

Anonymous 36075

the one I made up in my head…

Anonymous 36116

MARS by Fuyumi Soryu

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