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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 34765

Do you like BL and yaoi anime? Why or why not?

I got into BL because I had already watched the more popular kdrama shows and wanted something similar.. but different if that makes sense.

Anonymous 34766

i love banana fish! any fans?

Anonymous 34790

> Do you like BL and yaoi anime?
No, anal is disgusting.

Anonymous 34793

cc fujos rise up!

Anonymous 34822

Unfortunately, I spent a lot of my teenage days and youth reading yaoi fanfics and was present on Tumblr during the events of Dramatical Murder. It was kind of difficult to get the game because it took years to be released in the shit hole where I live. I had too many fantasies, I admit, but it was difficult not to when the only access to a handsome man I had in earlydays was through BL

Anonymous 34824


Typically your ONLY access to handsome men is BL

Anonymous 34828

Too sad, kek. As I said before, I live in a shithole. School and work were a pain, the moids were terrible, as always. In addition to fanfics, I read a lot of Okane Ga Nai, Close the last door, kizuna and Love Stage. Dramatic murder I played out of morbid curiosity.

Anonymous 34829

is that my own private idaho? i fucking love this movie

Anonymous 34830

No, it's cringe. Idk the thought of someone having 0 interest in me kills any interest I could've had for them. So yeah fictional gay men aren't really for me. And watching someone thirsting over something they can never have is just painful to watch from an outside perspective + the fandoms are incredibly obnoxious.
But then I've also been thinking about how maybe the strong cringe reaction I have to fujos and yaoi is rooted in it being one of those super stigmatized teenage girl things that are painted as inherently cringe while it's "normal" or almost expected for moids to enjoy lesbians doing stuff with each other. Personally I'm still happy I don't have any fujo tendencies tho.

Anonymous 34833

The fact that you are this repressed and brainwashed by moids is more telling, yeah. Its more a sign to everyone you've probably never truly enjoyed anything in your life living this starved for approval. We're well aware and it its not something to be proud of. If anythings really painful to watch its this kinda performance tragedy, forcefeeding stale opinions everywhere you go.. The fact that you claw your way into these threads to spurn it all is tellign tho. It obviously gets to you for some reason. But the solution isn't to hole yourself up in your room for prescription hetero sex. We all you know you live in 2 inches of creativity for flat tedious notions you still cling to because some scrote got into your head in high school.

Anonymous 34834

ntayrt, but how did you get this assumption? pulled it out of your ass?

Anonymous 34843

nii san.png

fuck yes that shits hot as fuck, i love anime homos godamn

Anonymous 34851

Anonymous 34889

I used to like it. I mostly read manga/art/fanfic in my fujo phase. BL (and even yurishit) animes made me cringe. The only BL anime I actually like is Patalliro which is comedy. Nowadays I'm not really into shipping anymore and just go along with canon pairings if their writing is decent enough

Anonymous 34890


i like bl manga because it makes my heart tingle to look at boys kissing and cuddling each other. i don't get turned on by them having sex though for some reason, which sucks because a lot of them have a LOT of sex

Anonymous 34891

artist/ source of picrel please

Anonymous 34892

i have no idea i just downloaded it from someone else's repost. i tried reverse image searching but nothing came up :(

Anonymous 34903

No, it's honestly never appealed to me even though almost every other weeb woman I know of was into it. I don't find gay males attractive at all even though I like twinks. I'll watch it if it has good characters but I have no particular interest in yaoi as like, an attractive thing. It pretty much does nothing for me

Anonymous 34916


Yes, since I read junjo and gravitation in elementary school. It used to make my heart pump really fast and I'd have to shake out my arms to control myself, but I have since graduated to isekai yuri and CLAMP and am waiting for y'all to hurry up. I love ちぃ

Anonymous 34921

Anonymous 34922

set phasers to gay…

I don't care about/seek out a lot of original BL but I was a slash shipping fiend back in the day. I don't do it a lot any more but sometimes it will hit me like a sleeper activation code and I'll enter Ao3 hell for about a month before the fixation wanes.

Anonymous 35210


No LC fujo thread

Anonymous 35212


Still waiting for the Himeno-kun scanslators to update
You know the lc fujo thread was pretty slow before lc went down. I guess with summer ending and fc back online, a lot of nonas left.

Anonymous 35213

I haven't been on LC for sometime so I was catching up reading the previous Fujo thread. I do hope it comes back alive with less infighting though, its fun posting there

Anonymous 35218

I stopped posting in the lc threads because the only stuff getting discussed were vns or korean webtoons with the freakish ikemen type characters.

Anonymous 35219

do you post on the fujo ib?

Anonymous 35223

Ntayrt but fujochan sucks

Anonymous 35457

I hope the extended downtime gives problem posters and opportunity to reflect on their actions. It was nigh unusable for the past few months.

Anonymous 35494

Nah. It's not run competently though.

Anonymous 35498

Not as a genre, because I'm not a gay man and I think it's weird to fetishize gay relationships. I will watch ones that are really good stories on occasion like bananafish, I just don't seek them out.

I'm not a fujo hater tho, there are so many moids who fetishize lesbian relationships and are way worse overall.

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