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What's the last film that made you cry? Anonymous 34864

Anonymous 34867


Anonymous 34869


Anonymous 34874


this film wrecked me as a child
i went on to have my own parrot for a few years as an adult and i eventually had to rehome him. thought of this movie and how his journey ended up all the time after. i still occasionally dream about him. the love these creatures experience is so deep

Anonymous 34880

I can relate. I've always had parrots throughout most of my life and they have touched my heart more than any dog or cat I've owned. That's why the movie had such an effect on me.

Anonymous 34967


Lilya 4 Ever

Anonymous 34973

This one is heartbreaking, cried a lot while watching it too.

Anonymous 34976

masterpiece. I'm glad the book chickens out and gives them a good ending even if it's really sappy. just so that there's at least one version of the story out there where they make it.

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