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How do you feel about The Owl House? Anonymous 34943

I watched the whole series despite hating it. The animation can be very nice in certain scenes, and I vaguely liked some of the characters. Overall, I see it as a pander-ey pile of Deviantart OCs for teenagers/adult children.

Anonymous 34944

It was love at first sight for that GILF with the rockstar hair. I don't think I'll ever watch it though.

Anonymous 34945

idk I thought it was mid but it had some good moments, I'm too old for western cartoons I guess

Anonymous 34950

Sadly, they put her in a relationship with the ugliest they/them I have ever seen. I was pissed.

Anonymous 34962

I googled them and yeesh what a checklist character. I think the disparity between the two would have made me Actually Mad at Cartoons, so I think I'll pass (even after learning gilf has a harpy form, wew!).

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