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Why is Chappell Roan Camp? Anonymous 35017

Why is Chappell Roan considered camp? Writing an essay on her for the fun of it. "She's like Dolly Parton but Gay"

Anonymous 35018

i feel like the makeup and wig idk enough ab pop to know how the music is camp. i guess it's kinda cheesy like spelling out h-o-t-t-o-g-o, that song is catchy

Anonymous 35106

I think she's camp because she knows what her music is and she's "in" on what it is. This was a huge part of the appeal for Katy Perry's Teenage Dream album. It's dumb pop and Perry was "in" on it. It's played in an ironic way. Chappell Roan is more earnest imo, but she still plays up the "camp" aspect with the bold and intricate costumes and visuals.

Anonymous 36076

I don't believe she is camp. She seems to take herself very seriously and comes off more as a try-hard instead of doing things in jest. If she was camp, I think she wouldn't be beefing with ant random music journalist she encounters.

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