
Music Anonymous 35113
What kinda music do you all listen to?
Anonymous 35114

Tons of different genres, from boomer rock to speedcore and weeb music, foreign music like IFA Wartburg and
Vendredi Sur Mer. I can listen to most things if it sounds good to me.
I mostly listen to Pop Punk and Late 2000s Pop music at the moment tho.
Anonymous 35117

i like dark philosophical stuff like momus and psychic tv (understandably troon-infested) and visual-kei
anison is what i listen to the most though bc i am a fagget
Anonymous 35120
I've been listening to cringe emo music lately, MCR and the like
Anonymous 35121

lil bit of everything but my go to genres are punk and grunge
Anonymous 35122

mainly weeb music (vocaloid). really into trance lately.
Anonymous 35123

I don't have a preferred music genre, i listen to a bit of everything depending on how i'm feeling.
I like skramz, midwest emo, shoegaze, any rock subgenre really, trip-hop, etc. Slint, Sonic Youth and Lazarus Plot are bands that come to mind, i really like Mitski too. I've been listening to Kikiwest and Portishead these last few months. Mineral, Black Box Recorder and Daddy's Hands, i like those too.
Anonymous 35125
>>35123basic bitch adolescent male taste
troon or moid, call it
Anonymous 35756
Based and true
Anonymous 36040
>>35113Currently the Pillows and Weezer, trying to find more bands that capture a similar sound
Apparently the Pillows are just the Japanese version of the Ramones but damn do I hate how the Ramones sound. Couldn’t stand them when someone suggested I hear them
Anonymous 36056
i walk alone LoGH.…

>>36040Ramones were pretty cool dudes despite their music being kinda underwhelming.
The Pillows sound very authentic, i like them instrumentally, not a big fan of vocals. My favorite tracks by Weezer are Buddy Holly and Uptown Girl.
Anonymous 36059
>>36040"Number Girl" is very similar to The Pillows
Anonymous 36066
Kpop, postpunk, darkwave, folk punk, and pop punk mostly
Anonymous 36105
>>35123Good taste !
I like modest mouse, codeine, also mitski, Neil young, bonnie prince billy
Anonymous 36106
I'm almost shocked with how many of you like punk I do too
I'm into hardcore punk. and stuff in that general area. I like serani poji. Idk what genre they are. I guess I like electronic stuff but I don't know a lot about music genres
Anonymous 36107

I'm a cibo matto fanatic. been having a lot of persona nostalgia lately so also listening to a lot from the 3 & 4 soundtracks especially. i also like enjoy, fiona apple, & lizzy mercier descloux
Anonymous 36108
I love song with strong focus on female vocals. I'd love to see some recommendations. I love songs by Mecano a Spanish band from the 80s because of this.
Anonymous 36111
a lot of The Pillows and also some post rock stuff and shoegaze, but if im feeling like it I often just listen to vocaloid, I love Kikuo
Anonymous 36128
I like a lot of genres, but these days I'm mostly listening to soca, merengue and house.
Anonymous 36258
>>36059Thanks nona what are your favorite songs? I tried listening to the This is Number Girl spotify playlist and I didn’t like the songs I’ve listened to so far
Meanwhile I love every singl Pillows song, even the non vocal songs
MARCH OF THE GOD is catchy, yes more light!
Anonymous 36265
Every death metal genres except for deathcore and grindcore (or any retarded-core really)
Anonymous 36277
Mostly anime opening/ending songs tbh
Anonymous 36278
>>36277Jojo S4 has the best ending song, Cherry chica cola~
Anonymous 36281
Jojo is a very popular anime so popular it’s a normie zoomie show now. It’s got tons of musical references in it if you want to discover new songs and artists (most are boomer rock)