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Cave Story Anonymous 35136

I love Cave Story.
Does anyone else around here do?
If you haven't played it you definitely should, its short if you are worried about lenght!

Anonymous 35137

I like it but I haven't beaten it yet

Anonymous 35138

It took me 13 years to get the true ending (got it 3 weeks ago and it felt like quite a weird closure). I'm bad at videogames. Still… I still replayed it a crap ton and gave up on the true ending multiple times. I used to make custom maps and scenarios when I was younger. Good times I often wish I could go back to.

Anonymous 35144


Oh cool, never thought I'd see a thread about this game here, I absolutely loved it when I was a kid and felt so proud of myself after getting the true ending. I wish it was more well known especially with the rise of indie game popularity as of late.

Anonymous 35147

Wanna read my Curly/Madotsuki fanfic?

Anonymous 35151

OP here, I'm trying to get the true ending on my DSi, the smaller screen is a pain and somehow the falling blocks room has busted RNG? (blocks seem to like fall MORE than usual) maybe I'll eventually like get it…
Sure I welcome any sort of Cave Story fan material

Anonymous 35183

Yes plz lets read ur fanfic

Anonymous 35184


i love the side quest with the puppies

Anonymous 35186


When I was ~15 I had a massive folder of Cave Story fanart on my PC that I deleted at some point due to being embarrassed by it, and to this day I still kind of regret it…
That's a new one, but sure! Crossover ships are oddly endearing to me. I personally ship Madotsuki with Sunny from Omori in complete earnest lol
Is the DSi version any different from the other ports? I only play the freeware version. I didn't like plus because it changed the physics ever so slightly

Anonymous 35189



Anonymous 35623

I'm back after awhile. The DSi is just freeware with a time trial mode and an extra hard mode, might be my schizophrenia but the physics felt different too. I also decided to give Cave Story+ a try too and I could not get used to the new engine but still 100% it regardless. Its really funny how hard I used to find Cave Story because now I got into Castlevania and I'm competent at it.

Anonymous 35669

just beat the true ending officially after coming back after 2 years or so
i find it easy now lol

i WISH pixel released the beta builds though, they seem so interesting and different

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