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80s/90s anime Anonymous 35486

Recommend /discuss the best and most aesthetically pleasing 80s/90s anime

Anonymous 35522

GIF 5-30-2024 11-4…

Kodocha is visually amazing, with a stellar dub and a female protag that actually acts somewhat like a real kid. She's a cartoon character through and through, but the show is years more grounded and entertaining than any other anime (or frankly, media in general) I've seen that focuses on children. Very very good for a shoujo comedy.

Anonymous 35525

Will we be watching the Ranma reboot?

Anonymous 35627

absolutely not.
I am really wondering how fans will feel watching it an year after the lum anime, and seeing the rumiko self-insert winning this time over Lum.

Anonymous 35690

God, Kodocha just is that good isn't it? Maybe I can get my friends to watch along with me one day.

I've been watching a little bit of Oniisama E. It's really gorgeous though kinda "stiff" looking though I'm not complaining cause I enjoy that aspect too. If you like the European school setting, I think you will like the style because it goes for that despite being set in Japan.

Nothing too deep to say since my watches are so far apart, but it's good if you like interpersonal drama. I love how it makes highschool feel so highstakes lol.

I think the setting before cellphones and internet makes me enjoy the drama more. It makes your personal life more important because you can't escape to the net. Highschool was really uneventful for me because I was always on the damn computer, and my phone.

I love Mariko's intense over the top feelings, it might feel kinda unrealistic but to me she feels like a genuinely mentally unwell person with attachment issues loll. Love it.

So many good female characters to choose from for a favorite.

Anonymous 35705

I feel like kodocha reminds me of Karekano, both the anime and the manga, I do appreciate some of the humor but I never got that much into neither despite finishing them.
My personal favorite is fruits basket

Anonymous 35747

moid destroyer.web…

Well I think it's cute.

Anonymous 35777

kite is based and SApilled

Anonymous 35778

maison ikkoku

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