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Anonymous 35655

I don't really play videogames but wanna try some. Got any recommendations?

Anonymous 35656


Hearts of Iron 4

Anonymous 35661

The Like a Dragon games are great. You can start at Yakuza 0 or go straight into Judgment/Y:LaD if you don't care about order. The Monkey Island games are amazing point and click adventures. There's also the Ace Attorney series which has been remastered now.

Anonymous 35667


RPG maker games are pretty cosy, OFF is free and a great game, and its not too hard either
Yume Nikki is another fun experience, its a bit unorthodox but the atmosphere is great

Anonymous 35680



Anonymous 35702

Highly recommend 80% of any games in valve's library. If you want something more story driven though, You could try any of telltale's games

Anonymous 35751

I play mordhau, souls and souls-like and hoi4. Used to play league of legends and world of warcraft a lot.
Try them out, nonas!

Anonymous 35763


Anonymous 35785

i love hollow knight and stardew valley! rly depends on what ur into in general. can be hit or miss

Anonymous 35806


Half Life 1 it's one of the best games I've ever played, and it hasn't aged that badly

Anonymous 35824


Smile Guide The Apple Escape

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