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Anonymous 35695

Why do so many women love Death Note? I really don't see the appeal

How do I understand the appeal of anime boys?

Anonymous 35697

Either they relate to Misa and her unrequited love for her basically abusive bf or they consume Light/L yaoi.

I loved anime boys in my childhood and now that I'm older it honestly comes from fear of rejection for IRL boys and not being able to relate to the men around you. Easy to fantasize about characters specifically curated to be charming or interesting

Anonymous 35699


> Either they relate to Misa and her unrequited love for her basically abusive bf or they consume Light/L yaoi.

Am I in the minority for having both those phases but also loving the biblical themes, character development and suspenseful story? I feel like that's a huge generalization tbh and I hate how men always say that we only love the sexual appeal of men when we fangirl over something

Anonymous 35700

I love it for the story and suspense. It was also one of the first animes I ever got into. The mind games make it kind of a suspenseful drama which I think appeals to women as a whole

Anonymous 35717

Don’t know how old you are OP, but when DN came out about 20 years ago it was the number one anime by far. Everyone loved it and it had a huge fanbase and lots of roleplayers so there was a lot of fan content and merchout there. It also appealed to people who don’t watch anime normally as it avoids a lot of the dumb tropes.

It probably wouldn’t be so popular now as there is so much content available these days but I think any lasting popularity is probably a holdover from then.

Anonymous 35732

Speak for yourself, I just thought the whole death god investigation thing was cool as fuck.

Anonymous 35736

I thought that Rem was really hot and shipped her with misa when I was younger. IDK WTF was wrong with me.

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