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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 35835

What do you think about this game nonas?

Anonymous 35836

Just started installing it, it looks like my kind of game. I also played that other psx style game from someone posting it here last year and it turned into one of my favorites.

Anonymous 35840

Samefag, I played it and the graphics were perfect with a lot of uniqueness. The story really sucked though, and it only has one ending. A lot of randomness here and there which hardly made sense or had no apparent meaning. Also I kind of expected a game instead of a movie walk-through…

Anonymous 35845

I don't think the story sucked, it just wasn't straightforward and non-linear story telling.

>Also I kind of expected a game instead of a movie walk-through

Sometimes the video game medium is better for story telling than a movie or a song. I'm not sure wh you expected an indie horror game to have the same level of gameplay as baldurs gate 3

Anonymous 35853

I just finished playing it and it was definitely an interesting experience. An engaging story with some fun visuals and spooky moments. But it was a whole lot shorter than I expected it would be, especially considering all the hype. I wish I had got to spend at least twice the amount of time with these characters. Oh well I went back and got all the achievements except the hardest two, so there's that.

Anonymous 35854

whats dis called

Anonymous 35855

oh its Mouthwashing , seems interesting , i get buckshot roulette vibes from it

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