
i want to get into vidya but i'm dogshit at them Anonymous 35925
i'm 19 bored with life and extremely lonely so i tried getting into video games. i never had the chance to get into them when i was younger because i didn't have a pc. the first one i tried out was hotline miami but i'm absolutely shit at it, i have bad reflexes. fpses are already a nightmare for me. how do i get better at them? do you guys have go-to games where you build up skill?
Anonymous 35926

i'm also 19 and a loser who's bored with life. i think finding games you like and just practicing is the only thing you can do. but you're not even supposed to play games to be skillful at it honestly, it's all just mindless entertainment at the end of the day. just enjoy it without thinking of how you suck. i suck as games too but was never really interested in them to begin with. i unironically still play dress up games and papa freezeria
Anonymous 35927
MMO raiding is pretty good at making you get better without actually requiring insane reflexes. I personally like FFXIV.
Anonymous 35928
>>35926never let anyone make you feel embarassed of your dress up games, papa's games and purble place
Anonymous 35929
Not sure if youre a PC gamer or console, but if you are playing on PC, blizzard is launching fresh vanilla wow servers on the 21st. Its a great game, pretty much a right of passage for gamers to experience it, and there's no better way to experience it than starting from day 1 with everyone else. Its not a hard game at all, it can actually be very fun and relaxing, and there's a very rewarding feeling of progression in it. Its also really easy to make friends in it. You should look into it!
Anonymous 35930
Starting with Hotline Miami is pretty hardcore, I gotta say. If you like the general idea of it and want an FPS you might like SUPERHOT? It's a pretty short, simple game, equal parts puzzle and fps (which reminds me, have a look at Portal 1&2!). The gimmick of the game is that time only moves when you do, so you have ample time to plan your shots and position yourself.
Overwatch could be something to try as well, there's a lot of variety in required skill between the characters, so there's usually something for everyone, and you can play against/with bots if you want a more laid-back experience.
For some general recommendations with a low barrier of entry: Stardew Valley, Minecraft and the Sims are good. Maybe Subnautica if you're not afraid of the ocean
Anonymous 35931
>>35930>>35927>>35929thank you so much anons, i will check out the recommendations. what i was looking for were games i can practice my aim and reflexes with without being wiped out by legit players and not burden my teammates.
Anonymous 35932
>>35925Hotline Miami is a HARD game lmao. You should start with Portal 1 & 2 if you want something shorter, and Skyrim if you want a time sink.
Anonymous 35933
>>35932I should clarify that Portal is the ideal introduction to fps games. It's very low-stress.
Anonymous 35934

>>35932>>35933I second this. Portal 1 & 2 is designed specifically to be as accessible as possible. If you have no experience with FPS they are your easiest (and most fun) option. That and Stanley Parable.
But really nona, video games are a personal preference. You'll have a try a bunch of games to experience yourself and find which games you like. Best way is to watch others play, see if it excites you, then try it out. Don't worry about building up skill, you'll naturally grow it as you play.
I know many who just switch between games as soon they complete it, then others who stick to a single game. Go wild.
Some cheap, beginner games I suggest are Vampire Survivors, Untitled Goose Game, Sims 3, The Walking Dead games, Portal 1 & 2, and as a bonus, entire Half Life 2 series is currently free to own till 18th on steam. They're the same company behind portal and (arguably) the best FPS made.
You can ask for more recommendation and I'll happily provide you
Anonymous 35935
>>35925Have you tried playing Minecraft?
Anonymous 35936

>>35925Just play easier games like Kirby? Or ones where you don't need reflexes like Animal crossing or RPGs?
Anonymous 35937
>>35934Why'd you make a post with moids in it? Ew…
Anonymous 35938
But just go for turn based or easy kiddy games, why not. No need to start yourself on /v/'s shooter hits.
Anonymous 35939
>>35925I mean… its a GAME? How can you be shit at pushing buttons and joysticks around? If you play multiplayer games you need to stop they are shit
Anonymous 35940
>>35931Your problem is playing an multiplayer. They are full of losers who spend 17 hours a day playing leveling up and hoarding items. Then they act like psychopath towards every other user. You need to just play metroid, or zelda or something. Stop playing with other people. Unless you can find women to play with. Then fine.
Anonymous 35941
>>35940Yeah online games are cancer. Just full of children and man children and they’re all insufferable. If you want to play games with other people then do like some 4 player online game with people you know.
Anonymous 35942
>>35941True, the most fun multiplayer I've had recently was Lethal Company, without using a mic and Deep Rock Galactic, while occasionally using a mic. Those games have pretty chill audience and don't have people disappointed at you for being slow and new at the game. Not being a competitive game also helps
Anonymous 35943
For Hotline Miami specifically (200 hours in 1, 450 hours in 2) the key is simple: Just not give a shit if you die.
You can always restart and your killing sprees should fly by so quickly you won't feel like you've lost a ton of progress.
Anonymous 35948
>>35943you should try MMRI sovereigns if you liked hm too
Anonymous 35955
Katamari Damacy is a pretty good low-pressure game that might help you with motor control. There's a remake of the first game for the Switch, and if you're willing to pay for the Switch Online service you get a bunch of other retro games as a bonus. If you're willing to pay extra for the N64 collection, Goldeneye is on there and should be pretty okay for learning your FPS basics.
Anonymous 35972

Play the Nancy Drew games!
Point and click to move, casual but with the occasional timed puzzle or action that can initiate a funny game over sequence. But you just click "try again" and it puts you back where you were with no loss of progress.
Fun mysteries and stories, they're consistently mostly great which is admirable for a series with over 30 entries. The plots are intriguing and the characters are usually interesting to talk with and try to figure out. The plots are linear but they feel more open because you are free to go around the map and there are numerous things that trigger the next stage in a game so you really feel like Nancy Drew wandering around a place figuring out what's going on.
UHS website gives hints on solving puzzles (and the straight up solutions if you need). A must for players and so much better than just following a walkthrough which gives you the answer (also cause you'll do things in a different order from the walkthrough and might spoil yourself if you try finding the solution to your current dilemma).
For women by women in the best way (fantastic female characters from crazy old ladies to an interesting evil Paris Hilton, focuses on women of history when it can, nothing there upsetting to women so you can shut your brain off from the world and have unfiltered fun).
If interested I highly recommend the game "danger on deception Island". It's probably the best written of the mysteries with some of the best characters. Another is treasure in a royal tower which is older but I personally love for how it weaves in stories of Marie Antoinette and humanized her through the mystery. Also the first instance of a great character Beatrice Hotchkiss who shows up again in other games on telephone calls.
Anonymous 35973
>>35972Thanks for the recommendation anon, I constantly forget about Nancy Drew because I'm not american so she's not part of the pop culture of my country. I randomly came across a playthrough of one of her games on yt and I immediately loved it. I wonder if there's a thread to discuss detective themed media, I read/watched a lot when I was younger and I'd like to sperg with others about that.
Anonymous 35974
>>35973My mom got me into Agatha Christie's Miss Marple stories when I was a kid so I absolutely adore mysteries and detective novels and media to this day. I'd love a thread to nerd out over detective stuffs
Anonymous 36014
>>35931i'd recommend overwatch too, its the only fps i've ever been good at because it has soo many different heroes to play as, so many different playstyles, its probably the most flexible fps with a very low barrier of entry because it matches you with others at your skill level. it gets a lot of hate but honestly I don't understand the hate…overwatch is fun!
Anonymous 36073
>>35925The only way to improve is to practice (if you have the motivation for that) and play more games. A lot of skills are interchangeable between games, fortunately. So much so that at some point it becomes a matter of only having to get used to that particular game's physics and controls. If you're not gonna autistically obsess over a game and practice it, the best way to improve is to just beat a game and any extra challenges/levels it may have, then move on to the other. You'll build up the needed skills as you go. It's also a matter of having the patience and perseverance to not throw the towel if you hit a roadblock, putting in the effort to think and revaluate how you're approaching that particular challenge and maybe come up with a new strat by experimenting or looking up a guide online or some shit.
By sucking at FPS I am unsure if you mean you lack the needed eye-hand coordination, if you're not good at aiming, or both. In any case, if your brain still gets confused by WASD + mouse just ease into it by playing slower games so you get used to the basic movement, I recommend Minecraft since you can still have fun by yourself and take things at your own pace. If you want to improve at aiming try out Aim Lab. And honestly the average FPS is just boring imo so once you feel like you got a good grasp on the mechanics of PC gaming try out TF2 since it's slower and more casual and if you wanted to you can play it in many other ways that don't involve shooting either. If you become autistic about it there's also a comp scene in the game you could look into if you wanted. And if you still wanna try out the other boring, cookie-cutter FPS just give them a go after you played those previous games.
After becoming average at most games, it's usually a matter of just how good you wanna become at them, or not if you don't want to.