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Hetalia fangirls were the OG femcels (2008-2012), writing fanfics about men who wouldn’t touch them Anonymous 36216

JFL if Ludwig (picrel) would ever touch your PSL 3, overweight, acne-ridden ass from Ohio.

If you were online during the Hetalia craze of 2008–2012, you witnessed the rise of what can only be described as OG femcels. These fangirls were pining after fictional, high-SMV anime men like Ludwig (tall, blonde, disciplined gigachad) while sitting in their childhood bedrooms, greasy hair tied back, typing out Ludwig x Reader smut fics on Tumblr.

Anonymous 36221


Why are femcels so drawn to Hetalia, and if you had to choose who to fuck and have as a boyfriend would you choose Arthur or Ludwig?

Anonymous 36238


The appeal of liking fictional men is that you don't have to worry about if they'd like you back
Ludwig can do whatever you want him to

Anonymous 36240

why are you people so obsessed with "femcels". were twilight fangirls also "femcels"

Anonymous 36250


I remember I liked the autistic Italian one. Probably sparked my preference for emasculated men.

Anonymous 36252

JFL post this on looksmax.org or fds

Anonymous 36255


I don't believe Hetalia is especially femcelly, it was just highly marketable because the theme was instantly recognizable and likeable and it wasn't so overtly gay as to drive the casuals away. The cast was huge so there was someone for everyone and any character you disliked you could easily ignore. It was simply popular with a lot of girls, some of whom became femcels later on.

>writing fanfics about men who wouldn’t touch them

I always thought Character x Reader was cringe as hell and the characters I was obsessed with it were not particularly "high-SMV", rather I liked them because they were endearing or the relationship dynamics were relatable.

Anonymous 36275

are you a moid?

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