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Anonymous 36315

Did you like American Psycho?

Anonymous 36453

Don't tell anyone, but I've never actually seen it. I've just absorbed the plot fron popular culture.

Anonymous 36454

I'm telling everyone, I just posted it on Daily Mail

Anonymous 36508


The anime was better

Anonymous 36518

Yeah I liked it, it is a very good satire and the director is a very talented woman.

However, the amount of people who idolize Patrick Bateman, in a non-ironic way, scare me. Even before the movie's creation, people thought the book was glorifying violence. The director also struggled to find an actor that understood the source material, she landed on Christian Bale because he was the only one that didn't try to make Bateman out to be a suave, sexy killer.

Anonymous 36540

I shouldn't be posting on this website, but I can at least give my perspective. It's his workout routine for me and the amenities in his apartment that he can use. To be in the best physical shape of your life, to be physically capable, is what I fantasize about. Part of that ties to Christian Bale and his dedication to changing his body for his role. I also believe that there is a glimpse of someone who honestly laments the superficiality of the world, the resigned "But inside doesn't matter", the frustration at not being able to get out of this fake artificial hell he feels compelled to belong to. Despite being ready to kill both Jean and Luis on two separate occasions, he cannot bring himself to do it because they express love towards him. There is something resembling humanity deep within him, something that wants to believe there is more. There is also a slightly poignant scene with Courtney, Luis' fiancee, in the book where she confirms her intention to marry him and he accepts it, though just what does and doesn't happen is ambiguous.

That being said, he is 99.9% a vacuous monster pretending to be what passes for human among his social circle, and eternal misery is what he deserves. He is fundamentally amoral and the book shows he's been this way since at least childhood. There were numerous points where I had to put it down when I read it 13 years ago because the violence was just too graphic. The scene with the large rat and the cream cheese and the tube and the woman and the chainsaw will unfortunately stay with me for a long time. I do enjoy the movie for being a relatively abridged, more palatable experience that is a bit more cheeky with the satire.

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