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Anonymous 36344

What is the appeal of anime and manga?

Anonymous 36345

Cartoons and comics are entertaining, and Americans don't make good cartoons and comics any more, so naturally people fly to the Japanese.

Anonymous 36363

I am slightly autistic and like that almost everything is bright, colorful, and exaggerated. Realism usually turns me off of media and a lot of western stuff gets caught up in it.

Anonymous 36366

Screenshot 2025-02…

Much more variety than western media. Granted I know theres more to comics than cape shit but its harder to find the interesting stuff, and these days even that stuff is just trying to emulate anime (poorly)

Anonymous 36384

On average, good anime/manga have better writing compared to even the best American live action TV shows. Many anime/manga include creative ideas that you would never see in a normal TV show. They can write a detailed mystery that keeps you intrigued while still eventually explaining the plot in a comprehensive way. I love how many of my favorite series add lots of little details throughout the plot that make you think and feel like they are creating an actual world. While regular TV shows can start with an interesting premise, they seem to be made up as they are going along, full of plot holes and introducing more questions than answers and padding most of their runtime with pointlessly drawn out character drama and sex scenes. Anime/manga cuts out most of that nonsense so you can see more actual story. Regarding action scenes, both types of media can be visually impressive, but I have seen several scenes in anime that went far beyond anything I have seen in a TV show. It's probably just easier to 2D animate really fantastical ideas rather than make realistic looking CGI for it. But that is what I think, as someone who enjoys all kinds of shows and manga.

Anonymous 36385

I wished there was more variety in the artstyle, I am sick of the moe bug eye shit

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