Anonymous 36377
David Lynch only makes pretentious art house slop that's made for film class midwits to pretend they're smart. Name one of his movies that's good on it's merit alone and not because it was made by David Lynch.
Anonymous 36381
>>36377he signed the
>we know roman polanski is a rapist but let's pardon him anywaypetition
Anonymous 36386
I'm not Lynch's strongest soldier by any means, but if you think his films are "cringe and dumb" you either don't care about art or are just being a contrarian for the sake of it, which I suppose is the same thing. Regarding the "merit" of his films, Blue Velvet is very good. If you think that it's "pretentious" then I don't know what to say. Besides asking: pretensions of what?
However, there's something more important than me defending the late David Lynch's honour. It's that you start thinking about film and culture more deeply. Even if you don't like his films it's vital that you learn to criticise them without falling back on odious slogans like "film class midwits" and "art house slop".
Anonymous 36410
David Lynch's movies are not pretentious in the slightest.
Anonymous 36411

>>36410Try playing a David Lynch movie at a party or family gathering
Anonymous 36414
>>36411>appealing to normie tastei'm not the biggest lynch head either but some of his work is undeniable, and if someone can't see that it's probably because they can't tolerate anything abnormal in art. twin peaks is fantastic and i like mulholland drive a lot too. if you think he's too weird try the straight story, it's the most normal thing he's done