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The Rose of Versailles Anime Anonymous 36515

It's an old anime but it's really good and based on the French Revolution. I think it's worth checking out.

Anonymous 36516

Honestly one of my favorite animes. I love that all the wildest story points are historically acurate.

When I was younger I hated Andre and shipped Marie/Oscar or Rosalie/Oscar. Now as an adult I feel like I "get" Andre and I find Oscar and Andre's complicated relationship interesting and romantic.

I also love that the guy who desperately wanted to marry Oscar (can't remember his name for some reason) is a vampire according to Moto Hagio.

I'm excited to see the new anime movie!

Anonymous 36519

It was my favorite anime too, but I never really shipped any of the characters together. I just love it for the story and its heavy character focused drama, though I did find the romance interesting. I am not sure about the remake thou, I usually hate remakes.

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