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Battle stations Anonymous 3870

Alright girls, post you are battlestation in this thread.

No cleaning up before hand.

sorry for 25$ walmart phone picture quality

Anonymous 3871

Give me the HoHos

Anonymous 3872

they are for me to cry the evening away with

Anonymous 3873


your mouse pad is so smol

Anonymous 3874

i like your pigs, those pringles sound gross though

Anonymous 3875


Anonymous 3876

cool books

Anonymous 3877

i've hardly read any haha
reading is too hard i'd rather shitpost and nap

Anonymous 3878

that is my favorite theme too

Anonymous 3879


OP here, you both motivated me to grab my late grandpa's monitor from our storage room and start dual screening.

Hi tech life starts now

Anonymous 3880

haha i have a second monitor but i don't even use it

Anonymous 3881

prawn cocktail is so good
everything becomes better with an extra screen

Anonymous 3882

Looks like my desk. UMD?

Anonymous 3883

stop having nicer things than me

Anonymous 3884

no but a few states away from there

Anonymous 3885

I just noticed that snack you have on the left corner and I've noticed the box is open….

Anonymous 3886


and they're all gone now…

Anonymous 3887

I've noticed the box with the chocolate cupcakes is closed… for now.

Anonymous 3888

this kinda looks like my mom's laptop
and this one looks pretty good actually
why 2 monitors?

Anonymous 3889

Multitasking is much easier

Anonymous 3890

I want to upload a picture but I am too lazy to get up and take my phone in the other room. maybe later.

Anonymous 3891


Ultrawide bb

Anonymous 3894


Anonymous 3896

Tidying your desk doesn't just mean pushing all the rubbish off it and onto the floor.

Anonymous 3897

That's what tidying your desk is when you're redpilled.

Anonymous 3898

stay woke

Anonymous 3899


Anonymous 3900

I must know where you obtained those trash cans/garbage bins at the bottom, especially the orange one

Anonymous 3901

They're from Daiso. I actually keep plastic bags in them for my real trash can.

Anonymous 3902


I want such an aesthetic set up as yours ;_;

Anonymous 3903


This is home.
Skulls, makeup, dead roses, candles, and peanut butter filled pretzels.

Anonymous 3904

>pringles on a coaster

Anonymous 3905

I’m ignoring the computers in these pics and just focusing on the snacks instead

Sorry it’s my fetish

Anonymous 3906

dont shame me

Anonymous 3907

>not using a giant hardpad under your softpad for consistency @ lan

just wow anon, how are you even getting yourself out of bed in the morning

Anonymous 3908


this bullying needs to stop

Anonymous 3909

sorry I don't know where else to ask but my friend's laptop is super slow and I want to help her. It's defragmented, the antivirus says there's no problems, and I uninstalled some unused programs which were hogging resources which I saw in the task manager but it's still slow. She has barely any stuff on the laptop, no games or anything.
Have any of you tried speeding up your pcs successfully?

Anonymous 3910



Lmaoing at your lives.

Anonymous 3913


>all these plebs with their pc on their desk

Anonymous 3917


I have to clean my watercolor glass, and it's a little messy because I was drawing ;(

Anonymous 3918


Anonymous 3919


Anonymous 3920

Cute dog pic!

Anonymous 3921

tidy and cute anon

It's like you can assume so much about how the poster presents themselves just by seeing their set up. I imagine you in a beret


What's with the writing on your table?

Anonymous 3923

windows xp nostalgia

Anonymous 3924


I write poetry for fun, and decided to write random lines I wasn't using in any project on my desk.

I like the aesthetic of things covered in words.

Anonymous 3925

Okay, that's fair.

Anonymous 3926

Do you like South Park?

Anonymous 3928


Anonymous 3929

Would cuddle/10.
Tho I'd just disassemble the lid and physically remove webcam.

Anonymous 3930

You just wrecked my life, but all my stuff is actually on the floor because I like putting my feet up.

Anonymous 3931

my level again.jpg

part of my battle station. I do music work and play all right here

Anonymous 3932


>dat printed meme on the background

Anonymous 3933

advanced astrology right here

Anonymous 3934

What kind of music? You seem cool I want to be your friend.

Anonymous 3935

>Solar Fire and Astromaps

Too bad there's no vers without the Outers for the latter

Anonymous 3936


you want to make music together?

Anonymous 3937

most definitely!
Which DAW do you use?

Anonymous 3938


Wtf you’re not me.

Yeah that would be really cool! although I’m super busy at uni right now so I have a little bit less time than usual (I mostly visit cc on the train or late at night like right now help). I do have to say I don’t know all that much about EDM, although I do know a bit about electronic music in general (and like grimey techno clubs). I’d really like to learn more about music production and want to lstart incorporating more electronic elements in my music.
Please Mail me at [email protected] (yes I’ve posted this on here before)

Anonymous 3939

So cool anon. I'm >>3899 and my dad tells me my room looks like NASA because of all the monitors but you're the real deal.

Anonymous 3940

I'm cheering for you two, please post your collab once it's finished!

Anonymous 3941

I didn't know a desk was a piece of media, oops

Anonymous 3943

nta but I also cover with tape because I still need my webcam for some online meetings and stuff.

You should post your watercolors! I do watercolors too but I suck at them still!

Wow, I know way less about astrology than I thought I did. What keyboard is that though?

Anonymous 3958


I love battle station threads! Please post more anons. Here's mine.

Anonymous 3959

Awww your pokemon collection is so cute. Love the inclusion of new Pokémon, like Stufful

Anonymous 3960


little messy atm. also my other monitor is in the living room with PS4 for sc6 lag-free teching purposes~ computer is on the floor.

Anonymous 3961

oh no my pic became a picture for ants sorry about that!

Anonymous 3967

Dixiefags please remove yourself from this site, we only use Bolder and Great Value

Anonymous 3974

they were on sale! i'm not trying to flex i swear.

Anonymous 3976

I like your station anon.

Anonymous 3991


it's actually a spanish happy birthday card to a grandson.

my boyfriend got it for me.

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