Why are the replies so rude Anonymous 10189
I have seen so many rude replies on this site in response to very lukewarm posts. Why is that?
Anonymous 10193
sometimes it`s a moid trying to bait and hurt others, just ignore and report it if it sounds too scrotey
Anonymous 10218
sorry, i’m having a bad life
Anonymous 10219

It's nice to be mean. What does it even mean to be nice, anyhow?
Anonymous 10224
What else can be expected of troons?
Anonymous 10290
Most of the rude replies are men
Anonymous 10372
They're 100% men or weird women. Hiding behind anon makes it too easy 2 be mean.
Anonymous 10374
I think rudeness is just part of imageboard culture, that's why I don't take mean replies seriously. What concerns me more is how rudeness has become way more acceptable on social media apps/websites for normies. It's like everybody is competing to be the most edgy and "brutally honest" internet user ever.
Anonymous 10375
>>10374blame twitter and its ratio culture
Anonymous 10423
Welcome to your first imageboard!
Anonymous 10782
Almost all of the new users are edgy zoomers who think that being a bitch is funny, it’s very tiring to see and the neet hiki femcel larping has ruined the site immensely
Anonymous 10790

>>10375I think this is pretty accurate. It’s different from normal image board unpleasantness.
>>10782I’ve noticed this, too. Zoomers take a lot of pleasure in being mean and have a lot of righteous indignation to motivate them.