
ban appeal Anonymous 11355
a few months ago, i got banned indefinitely and for an unspecified reason. i don't post often so i only noticed last week but i know admin doesn't check appeals often
i don't think i've ever posted anything inflammatory or retarded here so i'm very confused why i got banned
am i doomed to just lurk forever
Anonymous 11356

i got banned for using the email field. this place is nice but not worth ban evading, ill just go back on 4hims
Anonymous 11361

stop forcing me to ban evade and just remind me of what I did wrong so I don't so it again??? I love it here and I have no friends
Anonymous 11369
I got banned for no reason too
Anonymous 11404
It'd be really nice to actually know the ban reason so we can avoid doing that thing next time and not have a permanent ban either please and thank you mods
Anonymous 11406
Oh noes! Tranny got banny!
Anonymous 11429
Screenshot 2024-08…

I got banned for no reason. Is there any way I can appeal this ban?
Anonymous 11431
>>11429I reported you for that because it reminded me of the way trannies (and snarky men) baby talk, sorry.
Anonymous 11456
>>11431nta but that’s not even remotely baby-talk
Anonymous 11462
>>11456I barely remember those posts. No on it's own it doesn't sound like babytalk but it was in reply to a post lying about shitting up someone's thread with incel bs. I'm not sure why but something told me it was a samefagging tranny pretending to cry about their own post at the time
>That's really mean of them 🥺Try imagine this in the voice of your favorite dd/lg lolcow and you'll get it
Anonymous 11464
>>11355>posting the tranny vtuberdeserved
go die
Anonymous 11466
Is there like a list of autobanned words?
Anonymous 11467
>>11393Why are her cheeks like that
Anonymous 11468
>>11466I once quoted a post that included "fоid" in it and got automatically banned
Anonymous 11469
Where am I supposed to appeal a ban if there was no specified reason? It just came from out of the blue.
Anonymous 11478
Anons help, I've been banned and I can't post, every time I try to submit a message just appears saying "You've been banned". I tried contacting through the discord however it doesn't work (you guys should update that info) I can't find any place to appeal my ban either. Help?
Anonymous 11480
>>11478I'm having the same issue, they didn't even tell me why I was banned.
Anonymous 11482
>>11480nta but same, all I did was make a single post about going to see beetlejuice 2 and got a ban right after that. no ban reason, no ban appeal page. my post didn't violate any rules and I used to post here a lot a few years ago without any issues. what gives?
Anonymous 11485
>>11483I used to use cc years ago and there were actual moderators and janitors giving out bans rather than some janky automod. it's a stupid thing to implement because all it's doing is banning regular posters off the site plus driving away any new ones - meanwhile since spamming scrotes have no life they just scrape for proxies so it has no effect on them. it's very counterproductive. they could at least change it to a cooldown or temp ban, or have a way to appeal. getting a permaban for using some innocuous internet slang is insane.
Anonymous 11486

>>11478>>11482Same, was perma banned with no reason given. I've been a good, contributing poster here for years and much preferred this board over LC.
>>11485Automod actually explains alot because it happened immediately after I made a certain post. I'm sad how moderation on IBs is turning into Twitter and Reddit 2.0. They were supposed to be my only escape from saying all the shit I could never say on social media but now it's the same thing. LC always gives non-stop stupid bans too. What gives? It doesn't have to be so liberal that its like 4moids that casually allows CP and gore, but I shouldn't have to get as banned as easily as I could be in a Discord server for saying "tranny" either.
Anonymous 11499
how could they possibly do this
Anonymous 11500
>>11355this terrified me because if i sent an appeal mods would have to acknowledge all my schizo sad posts