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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


auto banned? Anonymous 11362

tried to post a thread and got banned instantly, are there certain trigger words that just auto ban? it didnt specify a reason for ban

Anonymous 11363


cus i was asking if theres still any spaces left for bl'ckp'llfeminists, maybe saying bk gets you autobanned? idk. i just cant get along with radfem women, they are still normies and so many "girlfailure" spaces still cater to mtf

Anonymous 11364

I'll test it: blackpill.

Anonymous 11365

Ok so the word is not autobanned.

Anonymous 11366

well then im not sure what i did, saying retard certainly isnt bannable, i guess ill try and make the thread again

Anonymous 11367

blackpill feminist

Anonymous 11368

not op but i got autobanned for saying youre too p0​or for the​rapy

Anonymous 11465

so are there words that. get autobanned or something because i got banned on my computer and my phone both for “unspecified reasons”

Anonymous 11487

I don't know but I'll never appeal mine because I know I did nothing wrong and I'm not a jannie bootlicker.

Anonymous 11528

maybe it was the specific combination of words that got you autobanned??

Anonymous 11534

I was banned for the first time during the lc down week, i dont know why as the reason is still not specified and i didnt really say anything baity or offensive

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