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/meta/ - Board Discussion


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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anti-spam measures Anonymous Admin 1595

Captchas are off for the moment, but will be turned back on if necessary.

We had to implement some anti-spam measures due to increasing amounts of posts made by raiding users and specifically written spambots. (So flattering, you shouldn't have!)

If any new feature is giving you trouble and you are indeed a human female, try refreshing the page - your written text should survive this, but it's better to copy than to lose it. Sorry for all the trouble - this is why we can't have nice things.

Anonymous 1597

I was wondering when this would happen. Yay.

Anonymous Admin 1599

Quick replies should work now!

Anonymous 1602

Mine haven't been working

Anonymous Admin 1603

Please clear your cache or try an incognito window and please let me know if that doesn't fix it, thank you.

Anonymous 1604

Clearing cache worked, thanks

Anonymous 1607

2018-08-03 23.34.3…

Only oldfags remember when cc had no captcha.

Anonymous 1608

can i buy a cc pass?
i can't handle clicking street signs and shit

Anonymous 1609

I'd like that too.

Anonymous 1625


When I'm on mobile, I don't have to solve captcha. Did I become admin without knowing it?

Anonymous Admin 1626

Captchas are disabled again, I will toggle them on/off as needed when we're dealing with spambots or raids. I'm going to remove the announcement in a few days.

Anonymous 1627


Anonymous 1629


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