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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 1965

i'm going to sound like a butthurt weeb but can we please ban pepes, wojaks, & other such symbols from this chan? i swear no good post has ever had one of them attached

Anonymous 1966

Screen Shot 2018-1…

We should ban anime girls instead. They are used exclusively by tranners and that is a fact.

Anonymous 1967

are you the same anon that's been raging against troons in every thread of late
if so please stop that. i don't like them either but to claim every post you dislike was made by one is cringe

Anonymous 1968

holy shit, this is so dumb.

Anonymous Admin 1969

If you don't like a certain kind of content, feel free to post something more to your liking. For every anime girl or outdated meme, post something better.

Anonymous 1972

There’s the lizard counterpart to the wojack but its seldom used but I will agree that i am suspicious of any wojack posts.

Anonymous 1981

but wojak is cute :^(

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