
Anonymous 2483
How do we draw more people to the site without attracting moids?
Anonymous 2484

I would say promote this website in female-only Discord servers, but I don’t even think those are safe from… them.
Anonymous 2486

I would join if this existed, but I can't make one because I have no clue how Discord works. We'd need to keep all of the chats private until users were verified though. I don't want men having access to anything we post in case they try to sneak in.
I've also heard that men sometimes sneak into places like these using their girlfriends' accounts. Is anyone willing to make a server specifically for femcels/fembots/fa women so this doesn't happen?
Anonymous 2487
>>2483I don't know how reddit works but are there female only boards to post on? I doubt we can trust those.
Anonymous 2488
I advertised in a bathroom at my uni.
Anonymous 2489
>>2487They swing a certain way, so you'll run into a lot of "MA'AM"s that way. They do have a femcels board.
Anonymous 2490
Why would you want others to live this life? You should be actively making sure people avoid this site
Anonymous 2491
>>2490But this site is so nice yet so inactive :(
Anonymous 2492
>>2490I agree with
>>2490. I don't have much of a life. And posting here sometimes feels like I'm yelling at the wind. I like imageboards. I just hate the male dominated ones. I just don't like how they talk about women, so hostile and arrogant. I've seen threads get derailed by incels.
Anonymous 2506
>>2492This site is nicer than lolcow. I wish it was more active too :( Y’all have great advice
Anonymous 2507
>>2506I've never been I've seen it namedrop all the time.
How do you like it?
Anonymous 2508
>>2507Today was this first time I went to lolcow.omg. for a lack of a better word that place seems ugly? Is it nothing but call out posts?
Anonymous 2509
>>2508I’m not
>>2506 but I usually stay away from those boards. /ot/, /g/, and /m/ are the only tolerable ones.
Anonymous 2510
>>2507>>2508>>2508>>2509lolcow has some worthwhile threads in /g/ /ot/ and /m/. I usually go on /g/ to ask for advice but since it’s very slow I rarely get responses. /ot/ is very active but is dominated by radfems/gender crit/pink pilled anons… every post eventually turns political with instigators fighting and clogging the threads, and then there are mean anons who think you’re a larping “Scrote” if you go against their echo chamber. Then there’s /pt/ and /snow/ which nitpicks and critiques internet nobodies, which I find is a waste of time so I never go on there. Ironically, that is how I found lolcow; I used to follow Venus Angelic’s drama on PULL.
Anonymous 2525
I actually heard about this site from an anon on /fit/, when I was asking for some exercise advice there. This place seems great, but also kinda dead? Or is it just slow?
Anonymous 2526
>>2525It's slow but at times there a small spurts in activity. I've only been lurking here for a few months, so maybe I don't know where all the popular girls actually hang out.
Anonymous 2527
hqdefault (3).jpg

>How do we draw more people to the site without attracting moids?
promote the site on either a discord server you feel totally safe in that is small in population size, or share with your online friends via DMs.
also, if people are reluctant to visit, show them some cool stuff and go like "oh i got this from a site called crystal.cafe"
Anonymous 2528

oh yah (this is gonnna sound weird) but if you search for the topics we discuss on this site on Instagram and them DM those accounts you might get some more hits
Anonymous 2529
>>2525I just found out about it on /v/. I'm looking forward to having a place like this to poke around.
Anonymous 2532
>>2486why would you want a server with femcels and fembots
would be a toxic fiesta
Anonymous 2536

>>2486>>2532>>2535IMO discord servers are always a bad idea, unless its with personal friends you know. Even if you "confirm" everyones identity it doesnt stop the drama that will always inevitably happen. Now you have to deal with server admins and mods and hope they arent power tripping assholes. And all text conversations are essentially recorded on Discord and anybody that joins the server can scroll through all of the messages, which can lead to doxing if you are accidently posting too much personal information because you are using a name now.
I prefer anonymous posting myself.
Anonymous 2538
we can start by not actually trying to attract their attention but who actually cares
Anonymous 2541
Is this imageboard safe from trannies?
Anonymous 2554
>>2541Frankly, not even the discord server where verification was needed to join was safe from them, or men for that matter. You're posting amongst them both in even greater numbers here.
Anonymous 2566
The safest way is word of mouth, but it's also the slowest AND is not 100% male proof.
While growing the community would be nice I'd rather have a slow board than an active board that has more male shitposting than any sane post.
Anonymous 2591
>>2538I agree. We should do nothing and let people find this site on their own. If we advertise this site its bound to attract males since they make up like 80% of the internet.
As long as the posts are good slowness shouldn't be a problem. Its not like crystal.cafe is dying.
Anonymous 2650
As far as I can tell, GC has a large population of right wing dudes who are only there cuz they like to dunk on trannies. I doubt advertising over there is a good idea… I don't want a bunch of reddit incels to flood the board.
Anonymous 2687
Having a radfem board is unironically a good idea. It can act like a containment center for all of the “are transgenders allowed on here” threads that refuse to die. Also I’d love to see a thread about feminism that doesn’t devolve into arguments about the death of human larvae, because feminism is only about that desu.
Reddit advertising is a bad idea because (as someone who has an account and still browses) redditors in general are the scum of the internet who get off on how “edgy” and “unpopular” their basic mainstream critiques on society are. We don’t need that sort of negativity here
Anonymous 2689
I'm not sure how cross-site promotion would work, or what different sites' rules concerning it are, but would asherahsgarden.net be a good place? I sometimes post there and figured a few people here might post there as well. Its activity level is about the same as ours, maybe a little less active.
Anonymous 2693
I sometimes see women on 4chan and they seem nice, but I'm not sure if I should post C.C. link there. Yesterday I was talking with one on /v/, but I think the risk is too big.
Too bad, I really wanted them here.
Anonymous 2694
>>2484From personal experience, just go to any discord that's main focus is either:
1. Sims
2. Animal Crossing
3. Transformers/Gundum
about 70 to 80 percent of those discord populations is female
Anonymous 2713
this site literally gets posted to 4chan /pol/ (where I came from 5 mins ago), it's only a matter of time before it just becomes a bunch of guys larping as girls because they've got nothing better to do with their lives
Anonymous 2714

>>2713It's already happened time and time again, I resent to inform you. You wouldn't believe the frequency at which we're mentioned by boys (who "totally hate women", remember) on /r9k/.
Anonymous 2755
maybe on similar sites? like some of the chiller forums on myproana, yes they have eds but they have good aesthetics and are very funny.
Anonymous 2779
I would bet money that over 2/3s of posters are already men
Anonymous 2792
>>2714>they hate us<here's a screenshot full of them asking how to date us
Anonymous 2793

>>2792It was the same guy spamming all those threads, and if you looked at any of them (or that board in general) for 5 minutes, you would see what disgusting profligates the posters really are. These aren’t wholesome men who just want a relationship. These are men who believe that women are inferior, don’t deserve rights, shouldn’t have jobs, should be raped/killed, and exist for the sole purpose of amusing men. If they ever managed to get into a relationship, it would be horrifically abusive.
Anonymous 2812
let it grow organically.
Anonymous 2813
Can you give me any examples of an image board that has a rule that says no women allowed?
Anonymous 2814
if legbeard websites and women only gyms bother you so much, don't go to them
Anonymous 2833
>>2510lolcow seemed to be libfem to me and also they have too much threads about shit like celebrities
Anonymous 2834
>>2814I'm certain wizchan has lost the will to care about anyone posting anything, even if you give yourself away.
Anonymous 2859
is there any sites like this but on the deepweb, onion only?
Anonymous 2879
>>2693Maybe ask for their discord, talk to them over voice, and then mention CC?
Anonymous 2880
Word of mouth. There’s no guarantee that some handmaiden won’t tell a group of guys about us of clout but it’s the only way to avoid (additional) male traffic and half-assed raids
Anonymous 2881
>>2833most lolcow users come across as very rad fem/TERFy and hate trans cows
>>2483male users will try to infiltrate and brigade when this site becomes more popular. I really don’t think we can do anything unfortunately
I mean, do miners really have to advertise this site? we all know about wizchan from somewhere. if someone lurks imageboards and places like the farms, they’ll probably find out and be interested
Anonymous 3024
>>2881And they are right.
Because trans isn't the same as being a woman.
Anonymous 3049
>>2881LC has a history of baiting people and making them post personal information that trickles into real life, I suggest we don't invite them in, it could cause serious damage
Anonymous 3315
my bf told me about this site, he said i might enjoy it lol so word of mouth?
Anonymous 3318
If just some of us tried to invite some girls we chat to here it would grow.
Mod sama said not to shill the board.
I feel like if it got a little more active it would draw some more people but more people means shitter interactions.
Anonymous 3328
>>3318Yea thats the only way this place will grow and have a steady stream of traffic. Everything "innocent" eventually gets "defiled". It's an anonymous board and the internet what else do we expect through the screen to happen? Anything can happen! School shootings, wars, murder, robberies, constitutional racism, exploiting the regular joe happen everyday, everywhere. And those aren't the only horrible things that happen in this world. Sorry went a bit off. Where were we?
Anonymous 3351
wait for more lc refugees who outgrew cow culture and got bored with /ot/
Anonymous 3439
>>2483Promote it on tumblr TERF circles.
Anonymous 3440
>>3351Lolcow refugee here, I think this is probably the best bet.
Anonymous 3455
>>2793/r9k/ is one of the worst boards, which is saying a lot
Anonymous 3456
>>3351This is what happened to me. Thanks, shitty LC admin, for bringing more traffic to CC!
Anonymous 3462
>>3439i came from terfblr so you may be right. but it can also attract ''kill all terfs'' crowd so idk
Anonymous 3472
>>2488This is probably the best way of securing actual females, but one would imagine the success rate is low.
Anonymous 3475
im not a kpop stan but i miss the kpop posters. the site was so much more alive when they were here.
Anonymous 3476
>>3472the more people who do it, the higher the successes. I'll do it too.
Anonymous 3481
bruh, it's the whole appeal of this site.
how would men make a positive contribution?
Anonymous 3491
>>3481i came here after it was mentioned on /cgl/, most females of any 4chan board but still far too many moids, i'm in some female exclusive discord servers though so i might mention it there
Anonymous 3492
If you go to /fit/ right now they are sperging out about CC and it's causing an influx of moidposting
Anonymous 3494
>>3492 said. i’d keep an eye on
>>>/feels/50859 it’s the thread that got reposted and there are already moids thereAnonymous 3495
>>3494I'm just amazed at all the deleted posts as a % of activity
Anonymous 3496
4chan has ads.we just need a disguised ad that's something no man would bother clicking that links directly here.
Anonymous 3497
anyone else noticing a lot more activity but it seems to be normalfag types? like i am glad we have more posts here I mainly lurk but there are more and more normal types here now.
Anonymous 3498

>>3497Nah, I mostly lurk too and I've been noticing it as well. The reason I preferred this place over lc was because there were more misandrists but now there's just a bunch of Nigeling. Maybe it's because tranny jannys over at lc banned them so they came here instead idk.
Anonymous 3572
I just found my way there when I was googling hot slav guys. I never knew there was an image board for women, and people are terfy here so even better!
Anonymous 3588
>>3498>NigelingWhat does this mean anon? I can’t find it on urban dictionary.
Anonymous 3590
>>3588You'd find it better as "not my nigel." It means women who claim their bf/husband/son/male friend or relative is an exception to bad male qualities (ie "men are all disgusting, not my Nigel though, he's a great guy!").
Anonymous 3592
>>3497literally what does this even mean
>>3590god you're cringe
Anonymous 3593
>>3497I've been here since day one (with a few small breaks) and I noticed it too, but I don't think it's that bad. Some of the manhate posts go over the top (all men are pedos/rapists no exceptions, cheat on him because men aren't capable of blah blah blah) so if anons want to mention that their boyfriends are nice or that they have decent guys in their life then whatever. We're not a dedicated manhate board so I don't care. Anyway, in the beginning (or if you look at very old threads) there were a lot of moid-positive posts/threads too and that was definitely way before any male had ever heard about us. What bothers me more is the anons who keep shoving shota shit and "raccoon moids" into random threads, but I've seen admin remove some of those posts too when they were out of place.
Anonymous 3594
>>3592>god you're cringeshe was just explaining wat a nigel was
>>3593>Some of the manhate posts go over the top (all men are pedos/rapists no exceptionsits true that theyre all pedos. its not even hate to state that
Anonymous 3595
>>3594I was gonna try to write a snarky response, but nothing I could say would change your mind and it's not worth my time and effort to defend men anyway.
Anonymous 3597
>>3592Yeah I was literally just explaining what it was. I don't really like the term because it's often just used to shit on anybody who says they're in a happy relationship.
Anonymous 3599
>>3597oh my bad then. youre not cringe. and i love you
Anonymous 3611
>>3594I agree that its not even hate to say they're all pedos. Study after study has shown they prefer teenaged girls to all other ages, regardless of how old the male is. Its just in their nature.
Anonymous 3628
you don't kekw no matter what moids are gonna swarm here. better keep it on the down low
Anonymous 3629
reddit and maybe discord
Anonymous 3630
idk but we really need to stop interacting with moids when they come. there are ppl entertaining these cringe ass retards on /b/ right now, and all it does is give them an incentive to come back and drive actual women away
Anonymous 3631
>>2483The men are gonna come because y’all are posting about it on 4chan
Anonymous 3636

>>3631This, but you were probably doomed from the start regardless since you've been cataloged on the linkfarms.
Anonymous 3670
>>2487a "female only space" on reddit is just trannies…
Anonymous 3677
>>3670lmao the absolute state of engl*sh speaking communities
Anonymous 3723
Desperate buttt
What about dropping links to this site irl? Like on cute mini posters? You could leave them in female spaces like bath and body works or in the pages of books at a bookstore that only girls would read. Or telling irl friends about it (not guys), if you think they might appreciate it
Anonymous 3724
>>3723Seeing different personalities interact on here would be interesting, lol. I think some would make a big deal about the terf threads though.
Anonymous 3729
>>3670The subreddit r/TwoXChromosomes is full of troons posting selfies…
Anonymous 3745

IMO are 2 big things that make posters leave the site:
1: The low amount of posters; This is a vicious cycle because people get bored quick when a conversation doesn't get going and quickly forget about the site.
2: The high amount of TERFs on the site. Now, I don't care much for trannies myself but normies see that as repelent behavior. The TERF threads are the ones that get the most traffic so just entering the site you will see many TERF memes and images.
Sadly trying to solve one issue kind of exacerbates the other. In my opinion nothing short of a huge influx of users coming and changing the entire way the community behaves basically changing the entire userbase in this synthesis
Now if you wanted to achieve a huge influx of users you just need to make memes that attract people here, put a link to the site in them and hold on to dear life hoping the community doesn't turn into crap
Anyway that's all my speculation. I may be wrong about the TERF thing
Anonymous 3747
>>3745NGL obviously I'm biased but if we're going to be an explicitly female only imageboard promoting the TERF thread is the only way to attract women who want that kind of community.
Anonymous 3748

>>2792>>3723Cool idea, but that would imply that our posters even interact with other people
laugh>>3745Yea this image board is pretty slow. I try to engage in as many threads as possible to keep people involved. I don't think TERF threads are a big problem though. Yet of course the topic gets a bit repetitive. See
>>3747>>2714>>2792Lmao nice.
Anonymous 3749
>>3745>The high amount of TERFs on the site. Now, I don't care much for trannies myself but normies see that as repelent behavior.Everyone finds trannies repellent, the media has to work overtime to suppress this and make it taboo. What other women find repulsive is more likely the conflation between trannies and normal men, the guys they grew up with might want to fuck them, but they are not crazy and narcissistic perverts.
Anonymous 3751

Ban r9k-tier threads like "I'm ugly, how do I find a boyfriend? I'm a loser and I pity myself!".
Anonymous 3763
Lolcow Farm users would come here if it were suggested to them. Lolcow Farm is badly modded, we aren't allowed to have scrotoid hate threads, illegal porn gets posted in raids, trannies keep declaring siege on the place, and half the anons on Lolcow are too anal about some of the more stupid rules anyway.
We're all talking about leaving the site for somewhere better anyway so honestly making suggestions over there is a good idea
Anonymous 3764
>>3763I love cc but I love lc too. There's some threads on lc i absolutely love to follow.
Anonymous 3778
>>2510What is PULL? I have seen it being mentioned here before
Anonymous 3779
>>3778pretty ugly little liars, it was a gossip forum (genuine forum, not an imageboard) that is no longer active
Anonymous 3832
>>3763>>3764I love both of them too and I think they could each be stronger if they combined forces. lcf doesn't have enough mods and is completely over the whole radfem issue so why not migrate all the socializing here and let the drama stay there so they can focus on what they were made for. And we'd get more legit posters who are female and didn't come straight from r9k.
Anonymous 3834
>>2527>share with your online friends via DMs^sage advice
Anonymous 3841
>>3832I love that idea. Whenever I see someone mourning the loss of the lolcow farm pink pill and terf threads, I recommend they come here. On top of that a lot of people are sick of everyone pissing on eachother over the tiniest things on lolcow, which is understandable because sometimes anons are fucking insufferable. It's almost like they go to lolcow for fightclub
Anonymous 3842
>>3841>On top of that a lot of people are sick of everyone pissing on eachother over the tiniest things on lolcow, which is understandable because sometimes anons are fucking insufferable. It's almost like they go to lolcow for fightclubNo kidding. An anon posted a pic of Marina as her Stacy inspiration and it later turned into a war over Marina's stupid tits.
Anonymous 3843
>>3842I don't understand how one can start an argument about her tits? Is it the "udder" argument again? I haven't seen that one break out in a while but damn they used to get angry about larger boobs
Anonymous 3844
>>3843They were arguing over whether her boobs were actually large or not. Really annoying.
Anonymous 3955
Keeping non NSFW and porn threads off this site is a great help. Sadly, anime would have to be banned to keep all the moids away and that's not going to happen. Maybe keep the cutesy and fashion threads going. Moids also avoid self improvement posts because that would involve actual self-awareness.
Anonymous 3957
>>3955>/SIG/pill guys>lookmaxers>DIY Anonymous 3959
>>3957Ok, then what are your suggestions?
Anonymous 3962
>>3955i wish the anime would go away, at least a lot of the 'obligatory' moeshit posting
Anonymous 3963
>>3962It's gotten a lot worse since the 2010s. I almost miss the days where nerdy stuff and anime were hidden subcultures (before you correct me, they were in the 80s-mid 90s)
Anonymous 4109
>>4108Ive been brainstorming this all week, im not those anons, but what would QR codes do exactly? I would like to put it on the list.
Anonymous 4110
>>4108I should add that I'd appreciate the insight and know very little about that side of technology
Anonymous 4130
>>4109>>4110its just something you can scan with your phone and get the link to this place. its faster than having to type it in. i guess the stickers should have some text as well so people don't think someone's selling them something or whatever.
Anonymous 4131
>>4108See, I love the idea of QR codes in womens rooms, but at the same time that has potential to take in normies who are going to chimp out about the Terf thread
Anonymous 4132
>>4131it would be funny so why not
Anonymous 4139
>>4132Actually yeah you're right idk why I thought otherwise lmao
Anonymous 4184
>>2792Dating for moids isn't the same as what it is for women. They use dating to satisfy their needs and discard you after some time.
Anonymous 4189
>>4182something tells me most tumblr users wouldn't like it here very much lel
Anonymous 4190
>>4189There is a terf community on tumblr though. Most frequent tumblr users aren't as bad as 4chan or even reddit users in terms of raiding.
Anonymous 4192
i just don't understand why lc users that aren't happy with gc and pp threads being nuked aren't migrating to cc. it's the easiest transition ever.
Anonymous 4195
If we attracted some fujos it would be good, scrotes despise yaoi they stay away.
Anonymous 4196
>>4195i agree. where can we get fujos from? there are a lot on lc. i'm not sure of the fujo quality on 4chan, they might be pretty chantard brainwashed.
Anonymous 4204
>>4196Isn't it just fine to pretend to have attracted fujos? Instead of kawiai anime banners that basically bait trannies in, we could have yaoi banners. Post some yaoi randomly in each thread.
Anonymous 4210
>>4208Enjoy your trannies and scrotes then, that's the only thing I've found that makes them stay away
Anonymous 4220
>>4195You don't want to draw fujos in, most of them are twitter fakebois nowadays.
Anonymous 4221
>>4220better to have fakebois on here than moids. maybe some of the FTMs will get TERFpilled if they come here.
Anonymous 4223
>>4221Fakebois will never be men, and will never be banned here.
Cuz they have vaginas you know
Anonymous 4224
I’m sort of a normie and I found this place through lolcow, which I found through twitter. I like it because it seems really chill here and it’s seriously one of the only female-only online spaces I’ve ever come across. I just wanted to let you know how I found it in case that helps!
Anonymous 4225

I just came over from 4chan, not exactly making a full transition because
>thread made a year ago is still live
>I've had the board open for three hours and there's been maybe five posts
I really like the idea of a bubble community obviously but if we can't make frequent posts, it's not really filling my needs, which makes me groan and go back to dealing with moid harassments elsewhere in exchange for active posting.
Anonymous 4229
>>4225Just don't mention you are foid
Anonymous 4232
>>2483Isn't it quite impossible to keep a space "female only" when the site is build on anonymity?
Anonymous 4250
>>4232Men are attention whores who almost always reveal themselves on here
Anonymous 4277

I think half of this site is made of moid posters
Anonymous 4280
>>4277I'd give it 25% moid, 75% actual female. Who could as retarded as a moid? Generally though, you can tell.
Anonymous 4287
>>4190i agree. tumblr users probably won't raid. just promote it to your mutuals