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Anonymous 2632

When can crystal cafe have a zine? All the cool hipster imageboards are doing it, why can't we?

Anonymous 2633


Even the moids over at kohlchan have made 15 of these things…
I feel like we're missing out.

Anonymous 2635

After browsing through a few of theirs, I think this would genuinely be a neat idea for this board.

Anonymous 2665

what does the process usually look like in communities like this? would contribute something like art / essays

Anonymous 2677

One or a group of people take care of the editing and "publishing". At the start of the month, a thread asking for submissions is posted, and users submit content. The submission period usually lasts until a few days or a week before the publication date. What the users provide is then compiled into this month's zine and released.

That's mostly how it goes.

Anonymous 2678

This sounds like a fun idea. Like >>2665 I'd contribute art or writing if one is made.



This is a really cool idea. I absolutely love coming across zines from smaller communities, and being a part of making one for a community I actually participate in would be a fun project.

I would be interested in helping organize this. What I would like to see in a zine from here includes essays about experiences or feels, poetry, thoughts on the world, that sort of thing; comics, oc, collages, anything artistic; or things like that. As an inaugural issue, it would be interesting to loosely focus on the experiences we've had in online spaces and how it affects our lives, just to keep things closer to the board itself, but other topics would be great as well.

I'd have to think about this in more depth; these are just my immediate thoughts. I would contribute myself. I enjoy writing, some image editing, and making art, but I think my technical skills are lacking in putting something like this together as a finished product. I'd have to do some research and learn more.

I'll leave an email in case anyone else is interested. Hopefully that's okay. If you do email me, just let me know in what capacity you'd like to contribute, if you have a vision for a cc zine, if you just have something you'd like included in it, or anything else related. If interest is expressed in actually creating one of these things I'll see about setting something up.

[email protected]

Anonymous 2711

hi anon, i sent you an email! also responding here in case others would like to see it; i have experience designing, printing, and putting together books/booklets due to my major as a designer so i'd love to be a part of this project if it moves forward. i also enjoy illustrating on the side.

being online is a pretty big part of me, and i think it would be cool to create content about it with others that feel the same way.

Anonymous 3621

bumping this is cool :^)

Anonymous 3640

is this still a thing ladies? I'd love to contribute as well! Maybe we should make a new thread for it in /b/ to get more attention?

Anonymous 3722

I want i want i want
If more people knew about this website that would be super cool

And then finding a sister to make graphics, another for art, another for writing, another for publishing, another for publicity
There would have to be a platform to discuss and organise on. Like on a discord server, over mail, or even on skype?

There aren't enough magazines made by normal girls, it all feels like corporate shilling over current trend #613 and 'edgy' popular opinions. Like something made by real and normal people, I would appreciate that, and I know many sisters would feel the same.

I'm not skilled tbh but I know lots people here are, so I hope this thread gets attention too.>>2677 has a good idea, it would make it a very human made zine
Even if we don't have it now, I hope we have this soon. More people on this board would be awesome.

Anonymous 3790

I totally agree with this! I am an artist and I would LOVE to draw out something related to crystal.cafe! I would also love to see other mommies post about their own experiences through art and writing!

Anonymous 3837


I’m down for this if there is still interest. I took part in a few zines for a different community about a year ago - each zine was based on the season, and included essays, artwork, recipes & collages.

Anonymous 3908

I'd participate!

Anonymous 3921

please I'd like to write a shitty haiku

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