
politics Anonymous 2817
Why is there no talk of politics here? I thought this would be like 4chan? why is there no /pol/ ?
Anonymous 2819
There is no talk of politics because we don’t want cc to turn into 4chan.
Anonymous 2820
>>2819But aren't you guys interested in the subject?
Anonymous 2821
>>2820I mean, I am, personally.
But there are other places to talk about politics.
I'm glad it's not allowed here, it would get stupid.
Anonymous 2823
There should be one. What's the problem with talking about politics with other women? If it becomes stupid, let it be. CC should also have a board for music, science and food
Anonymous 2824
Yes, I came here because i was interested in other women's opinions on politics. But maybe someone has a recommendation of where i could find such a space?
Anonymous 2826
If you want to talk about politics seriously, it makes no sense to exclude men. The real world won't. This site is a haven from male-infested areas. Delving into politics is the opposite.
Anonymous 2829
>>2826What a fucking dumb statement by a cringy handmaiden. Talking about politics WITHOUT men is what allow us to ACTUALLY talk about politics. In a RATIONAL manner. Men dominate politics worldwide and none of them a worried about "excluiding women". Go to 4chan or lolcow if you're so bothered by the ideia of us having a board for politics. Fuck off
Anonymous 2830
keeping us from talking and delving into politics is exactly what men have been doing since ever to exclude us from these spaces. Thanks a lot for enforcing the same idea idiots. I bet they are very worried about the lack of women on /pol/
Anonymous 2831
there's no rules against politics threads. just go to /b/ and make one.
Anonymous 2882
>>2829Admin has said that there isn't going to be a /pol/ board. That isn't the culture here. You can go literally anywhere else cranky
Anonymous 2884
there's plenty of talk of trannies it seems. Surely that counts?
Anonymous 2887
>>2823This. That would be interesting.
Anonymous 2917
>>2817Politics always ruin everything. Take 4chan as an example. it's shit.
Lainchan had the same issue. They removed their political board and they're all good.
Anonymous 3306
>>2829DONT forget to CAPITALIZE certain WORDS
Anonymous 3317
>>2823>If it becomes stupid, let it be.This is how you get /pol/
Anonymous 3321
>>2829Do you want to know how to not get full retard politically? Don't be biased, become biased towards unbiasedness there you go. /pol/ will forever be colossally retarded & the total opposite of what I'm saying, Twitter the same but there the two retarded american "sides" clash but in reality they have more in common with each other than other ideologies.
And watch Jreg since he mades fun of absolutely all the retards on the political spectrum. That's how it's done. We don't need a stupid board that will only propagate more subversion from DUMB FUCK /pol/tards which already happens from time to time. So hit that report button when you see one of those & it happens often. But whatever they are single for a reason and will die this way like they deserve.
Anonymous 3324
politics and spaces to speak about it are not the problem, spaces where men shart out their stupid thoughts and ideas all day long are.
no shit, a political board on a site primarily occupied by malevolent men turns out to be a massive shitshow. says nothing about politics in general. holding up /pol/ as an example of what it might be on cc is just dumb. it might be raided but i doubt any problems would be caused by the actual userbase here.
Anonymous 3329

>"modern" political compass
Fucking gay. Bronze Age ideological compass or fuck off Scythian scum!
Anonymous 3333
what is this gay shit?