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/meta/ - Board Discussion


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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Suggestions & comments Anonymous 2929

Can we get a feature to see how many unique posters there are per thread?

I posted this the other thread but it reached its bump limit and I wanted to make sure this got seen (another anon below me suggested implementing a notice to say when the bump limit has been reached)

Anonymous 2931

>Can we get a feature to see how many unique posters there are per thread?

Anonymous 2932

Also, is there a button for reporting posts on mobile? I don’t think the mobile layout of this site is different from the desktop version, but I can’t find a report button anywhere

Anonymous 2933

Arrow next to the post number.

Anonymous 2936

Fuck I’m dumb. Thanks

Anonymous 2944

You're welcome!

Anonymous 2986


What about an /int/?

Anonymous 2990

Purely for demographic purposes I’d be interested to see the breakdown of where CC traffic comes from

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