
Discord Anonymous Admin
Our Discord mods will enable and disable Discord invitations as needed whenever they experience too much workload in verifying new members or when there's an influx of trolls. They will edit this post whenever anything happens.
Current status as of November 15th, 2018:
Anonymous Admin
Update: We now have a Discord server!
You can join here:
https://discord.gg/3PXrb85Anonymous 1112
>>1106can we do something about the literal sperg/obvious tranny on the server? me and 2 friends are probably leaving…
Anonymous Admin
>>1112>>1113If you have reason to believe a certain user is male, please feel free to DM me anytime. I do not know which user you are currently referring to.
Anonymous 1162
The invite says its expired, what happened?
Anonymous 1193
just so you know me and 3 friends left because you idiots were posting that robots dick pics on the SFW main chat. please fucking mod your shit better.
Anonymous 1194

>>1193the main chat isn't even sfw
none of them are
Anonymous 1195
>>1193That was only one person posting them and its cause the guy was bothering her. It was only one pic btw. Why do you feel the need to bitch about that?
Anonymous Moderator
>>1194Actually rule 7 in the discord channel states that the NSFW content must be contained to the NSFW channels (there's only one atm). My apologies,
>>1193 .
Anonymous 1198
>>1195me and my friends are just sick and tired of any girl havens being polluted by the shittiness of men. not all of us want to hear bitching about men, let alone some guys nasty cock.
Anonymous 1200
>>1194you're a cunt for doing what you did and thinking other miners being upset is laughable. not surprised you posted a reaction pic of some Korean faggot.
Anonymous 1201
>>1195She couldn't post about him bothering her without adding the stupid gross pic?
Are you seriously asking why?
Anonymous 1202
That was me posting about the robot, I wanted to warn that other user who was talking to him. I'm not
>>1194, you can stop bickering at them. Sorry for the NSFW, I should've posted in the NSFW channel.
Anonymous 1208

Hey Miss Admin,
Has CC gotten slower lately due to our new discord server? I'm hardly ever online there since I don't like having a username attached to my nonsense, rants and random opinions so I mainly post here.
I've been wondering if things have gotten slower (than usual) or if that's just my head. I know you said you feared having an official server in the past because you didn't want to have less traffic. I really hope not. I don't talk much on the server, but I know things get quite chatty there and that lots of people are active everyday, so if that is really the case…this sucks. I'm asking this publicly because maybe our shy quieter miners have wondered the same too.
I will report this post so you can see it faster.
Anonymous 1210

Now that we have a (pretty active) discord, will we ever do the movie/game nights that were previously mentioned in surveys/other threads?
It seems a good way for (shy) users to get comfortable with one another/using voice chat!
Anonymous Moderator
Miners, once you join our discord please @ the mods there. Sometimes we may take a bit to respond, so be a little patient and don't leave immediately, please.
Anonymous 1218
>>1208No I also feel like CC is becoming slower and slower and I wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with discord as well.
Anonymous 1220
I feel CC's prime userbase is women in college, and it's finals season, so… yeah. Folks are studying.
The discord isn't active. So that can't be the reason for slowness.
Anonymous 1221
can someone send another link? old one has expired
Anonymous Admin
>>1208It seems to be the case that some users feel more comfortable talking in a chatty environment rather than posting a comment, but I would like to remind all users to give back to the crystal.cafe community by only just sharing interesting links or images with the board.
The current invitation is linked at the top of the page.
Anonymous 1223
>>1222I tried that, its still expired
Anonymous Moderator
We are not accepting new users at the moment. Check this thread again to find out when we will be open for new ones. Thanks!
Anonymous 1352
links are dead :/
is it possible to have an invite ?
Anonymous 1354
>>1353well i was already checking the thread "again" and nothing happend since a month.
thx for the very "useful" tip though.
Anonymous 1355
PS it's been only 17 days. A month my ass
Anonymous 1356
>>1355>thx for the very "useful" tip though. Anonymous 1358
Why is the discord on lockdown now?
Anonymous 1359
>>1358Admin and mods are working on a solution to keep boys and trolls out.
Anonymous Admin
>>1359, plus we only have two moderators at this time and it's not fair to have them deal with moderation and verification alone. As soon as I add more mods and/or have more time myself, we will open up membership again.
For all users waiting to join: At the moment, verification is done via voice chat. It takes just a few seconds and you remain anonymous.
Anonymous 1361
>>1360Does this have something to do with the banned in the usa person?
Anonymous 1382
>>1359>no boy discordWow, that actually sounds really cool
Anonymous 1393
>>1359Just require voice interviews.
Anonymous 1394
I want to join the discord can anyone give a link?
Anonymous 1395
>>1394Havent you read the thread at all? The discord isn't accepting new people right now. I'm sure they will post ITT once they reopen it
Anonymous 1397
>>1395Same, I also want to join the discord :)
Anonymous 1404

>>1403So, Crystal Cafe we turn the page..
Kicked from your server because of your rage!
It didn't have to be this way..
It had only been three days..
I wrote you all these words
Yet still, the pot was stirred
Unfair, these things that have occurred
I'm writing you this poem so my complaints are heard.
You're worthy of endless praise
Forever, now, and always
My adoration for you isn't a phase
It'll be there for the rest of my days
Yet still, you couldn't let me stay..
Anonymous 1405
>>1404You were kicked out because you threatened to doxx everybody and had saved pics and info of most users on the discord, r9k and god knows where else. Good try tho
Anonymous 1407
>>1406user is boring
[folder end]
Anonymous Admin
Our server rules are clear about not allowing harassment or doxing of fellow users and the constant baiting and attentionwhoring about collecting user data to sell to robots was annoying and disruptive. Accept your ban.
Anonymous 1409
>>1408 I didn't do any of these things..
Anonymous 1411

>>1410I never harassed or doxxed anyone. I never baited or attention whored with my collecting i only even showed two people who were mods. I also never sold anything.
Anonymous 1412
You guys realise she knows she won't get back in and is just enjoying the attention she's getting from discussing it at length, right?
Anonymous 1413

>>1412i don't see why you can't let me back and just not give me access to selfie channel if you're that worried..
Anonymous 1414
>>1413nobody wants you there. the fact that you were 'collecting' at all is straight-up creepy and makes people uncomfortable. if the mods let you back in, there would be an enormous backlash from the userbase. why are you so desperate to get back on-board in the first place with a load of people who mistrust you, dislike you, and wouldn't feel comfortable talking candidly as long as you were around? even if you say 'oh i'm not doxxing anyone
this time', there's no way to prove that.
also why tf were you collecting people's personal information/selfies if you weren't planning on doing anything with it? even if it was completely innocuous, that kind of hobby is borderline stalker behavior. tbh my suspicions are that you
were planning on doing something with that information, but got caught before you found anything too juicy.
Anonymous 1415
>>1414If i ever planned on doing anything malicious why would i ever mention anything. They also can't keep me out on alts so if my goal was harming i already have access to that.
Anonymous 1416
>>1414Actually, some user posted screenshots of her trying to sell the info on /r9k/, so she DID try to do something with all of it.
Anonymous 1417
>>1416Proof. I would never care to sell it and no one would realistically want to buy it.
Anonymous 1418
Screen Shot 2018-0…

>>1417Bitch I LITERALLY just went to r9k and saw this (pic related). I'm not going to go to the discord and search for the screenshot of you (w/your trip ) asking for buyers for the archive because this issue is done with.
Also just fyi we all know you're all bark and no bite so stop trying to intimidate the discord users by randomly adding them. Nobody cares about you and nobody is afraid of you. Be gone and stay gone.
Anonymous 1419
cvnka proof.png

>>1418more here, anon. she even shared the folders.
Anonymous 1420
>>1417you definitely asked for proof so it would be posted and you'd seem scarier and all of that. go attention whore on r9k.
Anonymous 1421
Just stop fucking engaging her. I don't know why you're all giving her the attention she so desperately craves
Anonymous 1423
Can someone post the invite to the server? All the invites on the site are expired.
Anonymous Moderator
>>1423We will reopen our discord in a few days, the invite will be posted here.
Anonymous 1425
>>1418That's probably you pretending. I never sold anything or even talk to someone from britfeel.
>>1419The only proof you have that i might have done it was from a year ago when i did do it once. Weird.
Anonymous 1426
ooo whoa cvnka.
I'll just let you all know she is a very well-known predator on 4chan's lgbt/r9k/soc boards. Typically goes by Cvnka on soc, Piety on r9k, and way back as Chara on lgbt. Known for blackmail, manipulation, and hoarding people's personal information. Would be careful of her folks. Steer clear
Anonymous 1427

>>1426Hi nice to meet you.
(YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US) Anonymous 1431
I request an image of pepe trying to pass as a chick and being stopped by cece.
Anonymous 1447
it's finally here!! i've been waiting for the new invite because i heard the discord was a lot more active than c.c itself.
i've never used discord though so i have no idea how it works..
Anonymous 1449
>>1447just click the invite anon, mods will talk to you and take you to it
Anonymous 1450
>>1449Yeah, but also remember to read the rules, it's pretty easy in general.
Anonymous 1453
Hi admins I love you kwesu~ UwU
Anonymous 1455
>>1408Cvnka's new tag is Divinity#1338.
Their old one got deleted for being
weird in other servers.
Anonymous 1504
>>1360Sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere, but is there a way to do verification without voice chat? (I know invitations aren't currently open anyway, but I'd like to be prepared for whenever they next are.) I'm not really comfortable with it, and I imagine someone could just change their voice anyway, if they
really wanted to. If there are alternatives, what are they? Would something like DMing you or maybe a mod a super cropped/blacked out (but timestamped, if you felt it necessary) picture of a photo ID with the relevant information visible be acceptable? I apologize for any trouble, but I'm just
super averse to voice chatting for whatever reason. Honestly, I'm usually not very shy at all, but when it comes to strangers online, something about it just makes me freeze up, so text is pretty much the only way to go for me.
I could probably force myself to do it if it was absolutely the only way to get verified, but I would really, really appreciate it if you could let me avoid that pit of awkwardness and just use a different method. Anonymous 1505
>>1504This is my suggestion: what about video chat, for just a few seconds, without the need to say anything (assuming you don't like your voice/accent)? Just wave at the mod, and they will tell you to write something random. You do it on camera, then show it to them. I know video chat is worse than voice chat, but I feel like pictures are too easy to fake, even ID ones.
Anonymous 1506
example photo ID.j…

>>1505If this were acceptable to the mods, then I'd be more comfortable doing it than my voice, but that still wouldn't be ideal. Much better, though. And it's not really that I don't like my voice, so much as it is that my anxiety gets the better of me, and I honest-to-goodness
freeze up, and I'm unable to make myself talk. I've never experienced anything like it in person before, which is why it's kind of awkward/embarrassing to even mention it, and if that happened when I was trying to verify myself, I might actually die, or at the very least never be able to visit here again.
I'm not familiar with how easy it is to fake a picture of a government-issued photo ID, though. I was thinking something along the lines of pic related, except taken with a camera on my bed or something. Hell, I could even write "crystal.cafe" on the timestamp. That seems like it'd be hard to fake to me, but I guess in the end it's up to the mods, and what they're comfortable allowing.
Anonymous Admin
>>1504>>1505>>1506I'm not sure if "crystal.cafe asks for ID" is a can of worms we should open, no matter the amount of censoring, but I'll talk about it with the mods to find a solution for the Discord.
Anonymous 1508

>>1506That wouldn't really work for me because our IDs don't list your gender, so at the very least I'd have to show my first name.
Anonymous 1509
>>1508It's pretty neat that that's still a guarantee of your gender, since Germany doesn't have any gender neutral names, and your name's gender has to match your biological sex at birth (anything else is illegal, right? Or at least not allowed). Germany is pretty cool.
>>1507Oh, I totally understand that. I don't want you to receive any unwanted attention or unnecessary drama, and I
certainly don't want to be the cause of it. I was the one who first offered, though, so maaaybe it's a little different…? Possibly?
If you don't want to go down that road, do you have other options available for weirdos like me who have issues with voice chat?
Thanks for the pretty quick response, by the way.
Anonymous 1510
>>1508 and Germany does have unisex names, some examples would be Kim, Toni, Robin, Chris, Sascha, Alex, different spellings of Michelle / Michel - these are some I remember from my own childhood (late 20s now), but the law you're referring to was abolished 10 years ago anyway, plus you can get your name changed legally if you're transgender (though you're required to jump through a lot of hoops, get mandatory therapy, be on hormones etc)
Anonymous 1511
>>1510Oh, whoops. That's my bad haha. And here I was thinking I was all clever! Thanks for correcting me, I appreciate it.
Anonymous 1512
>>1511Nah don't worry! I didn't mean to correct you, just to add to the conversation, and I didn't even realize the thing about not having gender labels on the ID until checked my own after the Admin post because I remember the old version of our IDs did have it.
Anonymous 1521
>>1508Funny that the last name is Polish.
Anonymous 1618
So because of this obnoxious troll, the access to the server is denied to all new members ?
I mean u could at least dm and interview the new ones.
Anonymous 1619
>>1618No, they closed it because
>>364 , didn't you read it? They will reopen again soon apparently
Anonymous 1639
Is joining the CC discord worth it? How is it from the imageboard? Is it as cliquey as other discords?
Anonymous 1640
>>1639>How is it from the imageboard? different*
Anonymous 1641
>>1639I don't think it's cliquey at all. Everybody talks with everybody, there are never fights and if you want any kind of advice you'll always get it. It's very comfy and nice.
Anonymous 1651
>>1639everyone is nice and they always try to help if you have a problem.
Anonymous Moderator
>>1660We will reopen soon, I'll update this thread when we do!
Anonymous 1662
There's no IRC just a discord right?
Anonymous 1668
Have you guys thought about doing regular mic verifications on your discords? I'm not part of them but I've been seeing some male leakers on other boards and I think that'd be a good way to circumvent that.
Anonymous 1669
>>1668And by regular I mean something like once a week or so. That may be difficult to follow through with but may be worth it.
Anonymous 1670
>>1668>>1669what's to stop a robot from paying a woman on fiverr and keep in contact with her weekly in advance of the voice verifications? nothing can be 100% secure as these are desperate robots; I guess we should caution users when posting selfies to do so at their own risk
Anonymous 1671
>>1670lol, people self post on discord?
Anonymous Moderator
>>1668We used to do that (call people randomly) but we stopped for a bit. We've been going through the users now and I think–hope– we got rid of the mole already. If not we'll keep searching and implement extra measures (like calling users randomly again).
>>1670We do pin messages asking the users to please be careful with what they post( pics or personal info).
>>1672Try again please
Anonymous Moderator
We're doing some cleaning on the Discord. If we've kicked you out by mistake please do join back in and we'll vc you again <3
Anonymous Moderator
Discord is closed again. Will update this thread as soon as we reopen it. <3
Anonymous 1682
>>1681Why all the opening and closing?
Anonymous 1683
Uhm hello, I used to come here now and then but eh I was just lurking on /r9k/ and I saw this thread
http://boards.4chan.org/r9k/thread/47869982 I just wanted to warn you guys. I like the coziness here. kind regards :)
Anonymous 1780

>>364hope the discord opens up again soon. recently found this community, and i really love the idea of a female-only community. i'm willing to do any type of verification needed!
Anonymous Moderator
paper lum.jpg

The server is closed.
Anonymous 1872
>>1801Please, could you open the server? I really want to join in ;_; I can go through all the verifications. I need people to talk to.
Anonymous Admin
>>1872Please be patient for a little while as we make some changes, I'll post an announcement when we open up again.
Anonymous 1879
>>1873what changes are you making?
Anonymous 1881
i'd love to join as well <3 i've been waiting :(
Anonymous 1938

>me waiting for a working discord link
Anonymous Admin
The Discord will be discussed during the site discussion chat! Please join if you want to help us improve it.
Anonymous 2109

I just turned 18!! I can finally join!! Where the link attt
Anonymous Admin
Sorry, the Discord is no longer going to be a thing. It led to too much infighting and drama and the vast majority of users during the last site chat voted for it to be closed.
Anonymous 2130
Discord has never not ruined an online community
Anonymous 2150
>>2109Happy birthday for the other week or whatever
Anonymous 2190
So, from what I understood of the rules, there cant be others discord server invites or threads because of this official one ?
Anonymous 2191
>>2190I think it was from before there was an official discord, since people from other boards or places would just drop invites as part of raids and such.
Although the rules somewhat imply that if someone made a thread only for invites it wouldn't go against advertising/sharing outside designated places.
Anonymous Admin
>>2190We don't allow Discord invites or other advertisements of any sort, sorry. "Specified threads" means that if we had a selfposting thread, then social media would be allowed to be shared in there. This is an old rule and I'll rewrite it now to make it more clear and differentiate between personal social media and bigger ventures, thanks for bringing it up.
Anonymous 2232
Is the server deleted or just not accepting new members?
If it still exists is there a way for me to rejoin it, I was in it awhile ago but left when I quit the internet for abit.
Anonymous 2263
this thread has been so hard to follow, a few questions I have for mods (sorry but some of the admins dont seem like they know what theyre talking about)
>is the official CC Discord deleted or not?
Anonymous Admin
The server was deleted when we closed it.
Anonymous 2293
>>2270Will you be remaking the server or is it too much work and not enough reward to do it?
Anonymous Admin
>>2293The general consensus is that it's more trouble than it's worth. I may be reconsidering in the future, but for now we won't make a new server.
Anonymous 2344

i recently found out about crystal cafe and i was so excited when i found out there was a discord, but now i’m sad it’s gone.
Anonymous 2346
>>364>all these people begging to join the discord>using discord in the first placeISHYGDDT
Anonymous 2431
Don't like how the word filter mucked up the server link there but it looks like a fun place. I'll check it out, thanks!
Anonymous 2432
I like that you guys have a "no trannies" rule. Can't stand those self-mutilating perverts.
Anonymous 2542
is the discord up anymore? i really wanted to join
Anonymous 2543
now revive it already!!
Anonymous 2544
>>2543Why do you need a discord so badly, just make or reply to a thread if you want to discuss something.
It's not like a discord would be any faster.
Anonymous 2549
Here's an idea.
Admin please just make a /discord/ board with preset threads for the different channels so the discord beggars will stop.
Anonymous 2551
I know this is 2020 and not 2002, but how about a IRC server?
Anonymous Admin
>>2551For the time being I'm not going to make or encourage any group chats.
Anonymous 2629
>>2552Can we get any new discord invites?
Anonymous Admin
>>2629I deleted the server a long time ago and don't have any plans of making a new one. Sorry.
Anonymous 2702
>>2130>Discord has never not ruined an online communityThis. I don't know a single general on /vg/ that hasn't gone to shit because people decided the gen needed a discord server