Anonymous 4516
Don't you think the catalog on /b/ is way too big? The ephemeral nature of imageboards is part of the fun, there's no need for an enormous a catalog of inactive threads.
Anonymous 4517
I like being able to look through older threads too but it's seems a bit much for there to be 2000 of them in the catalog. Also, it would make sense to have them locked them after a certain point.
It would be nice if there was an option to just display only the first 100 or so while still keeping the other archived for anyone who's interested.
Anonymous 4519
>>4516Yes. I think there should be an /archive/ board for old threads, maybe >6 months old.
Anonymous 4520…

>>4516I'm pretty sure the main reason we do not have an archive system yet is because of how low the site's traffic is compared to bigger imageboards such as 4chan. I'm pretty sure that with more people here the archive system could absolutely be implemented. But I do share the same sentiment, the catalog on /b/ is pretty big…
Anonymous 4521
>>4516>>4520The catalog on /b/ is four times that of some of the larger imageboards, while having a fraction of the population of those websites.
Anonymous 4524
>>4519>>4520Maybe I'm alone in thinking this but rather than having an archive I think it's better to just prune old threads. It keeps things fresh and doesn't make people hesitate to start an active new conversation just because there's an old dead thread with a vaguely similar topic.