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Halloween theme Anonymous Admin 490

Here's a Halloween theme! You can choose it in the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page. I had a different vision for it, but the raids took up a lot of my c.c time. The Winter theme will be nicer, promise.

If the tree interferes with your reading, you can right click and block it (if you have an adblocker, which you should)

Thanks so much for two of my dear friends for donating their art + code assistance! <3

Anonymous 491

I love it so much, admin! A lot more than the autumn theme, and I'm not even a big halloween person. Thanks for the effort!

Anonymous 492

Wow this is amazing. Thank you so much

Anonymous 493

This is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for all the effort you put in for us, it's not unappreciated <3

Anonymous 502

I love it and I'll keep it as default, but the tree blocks parts of the posts :(

Anonymous 503

AdBlock doesn't detect it as an ad for me

Anonymous 504


What lol
I mean the tree literally blocks the posts

Anonymous 505

Ugh, sorry for the doublepost, I'm an idiot and didn't read the OP fully

Anonymous 507

It's so pretty (':

Anonymous 513

aaaaaaaaa I love this, thank you admin <3

Anonymous 526

For everyone who has trouble getting rid of the tree (i know i did because i had to go to the page code to block it since the dropper tool wouldn't detect it lol), the url you need to block on your adblock is
I personally use Ublock origin and it's located on "my filters", on there you write this (or use the dropper tool and change whatever you pick i.e the background to the tree url) and poof the tree disappears!

Also great job, i love this theme so much it might be my favourite out of all the available ones <3!

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