
Contributions Anonymous Admin
Use this thread to post:
- banners (300x100)
- alternate 404 images
- alternate spoiler images
Anonymous 6
Is there an easy way to add the crystal.cafe watermark? what font/size/shading etc. is it?
Anonymous Admin

I used Consolas (10pt), here's a template with the text. Please add a 2px stroke for visibility :)
Anonymous 14

I made this one. Appropriate? Not cute enough?
If it's suitable I can stick the watermark on it later.
Anonymous 15
Hold on, I think I messed up the dimensions. Sorry about that, I'll be back later with the fixed version.
Anonymous Admin

This is the current spoiler image btw, a prettier one would be appreciated!
Anonymous Admin
>>14Really cute!
>>18Roughly 300px is enough, it will be resized automatically.
>>19>>20I added both, thank you! It will take a bit until they show up.
Anonymous 30
>>26oh this is cute, i really like it. Did you make it?
Anonymous 32
>>22the picture is cute, but the text needs a white border or something to be readable.
Anonymous Admin
All the new banners have been added! Wonderful contributions!
>>26This is perfect! I second
>>30, did you make it?
Anonymous 36
>>30>>35Thank you! Yes I did make it! It took me a few hours actually lol.
Anonymous 49

Just got a new computer so dont have any program to resize images ( I think- I suck at image stuff, sorry)
but Candy Candy has a lot of cutesy stuff (pic related)
Anonymous 57
What programs do you anons use to crop/add text?
Anonymous 63

i thought this would match well with the dark theme
Anonymous 70

>>57I used EZgif to crop/resize and gifntext to add text
Anonymous Admin
I added all the new banners, thank you!
Anonymous 83

Dimensions for spoiler images? I made this on my phone. Not sure if it's cute enough, but there.
Anonymous 89

>>81I really like this one so I made it a loop
Anonymous 103
>>102>>101>>100>>97>>96>>95>>94Wait, wait, we're allowed to use our own fonts? I thought we had to use the template, hnnng. Lemme go to sleep and remake them when I get up :'D
Anonymous 105
>>104Oh thanks. I see a lot of the board is embracing the whole 80's anime/vapourwave vibe so I thought I'd hop on board. Gonna remake them tonight though.
Anonymous Admin
>>106These are amazing!
I will add all the new banners once this Anon has dumped her reworked ones. <3
Anonymous 109
>>108Ah yeah I realised the new season of OitNB was out and started binge watching that instead. I'll get on top of that tonight aha
Also Admin, BIG, BIG thank you for creating this space <3
Anonymous 110

Made a few banners!
Gonna post them now, hope you guys like them!
Anonymous 117
>>115Aaaaaaaaand, done, if you guys like them can make some more since i am bored kek
Anonymous 118
>>117Fuck, sage for samefag but i realized they are missing the dot in the middle, if it's a problem i can edit them i am so blind, i swear.
Anonymous Admin
>>118That's ok! I love them all. Thank you everyone for making such quality content for our comfy board. I appreciate it! Installing the new banners tonight.
Anonymous 143
>>142Might just be me but I'd feel mighty uncomfortable having an icon of paedophilic apologism as one of our banners.
Anonymous 144
>>143I never saw the movie, but the book didn't read to me as apologetic at all. I can see the movie playing more sympathetic, though, what with Dolores being older and whatnot. However, the movie was also an undeniable fashion influence on several styles popular by users of the board… I can see being uncool with pedophilia but I'd argue the banner symbolizes something different from that.
Anonymous 145
>>143That's what I was thinking. Bad idea
Anonymous 153
>the movie was also an undeniable fashion influence on several styles popular by users of the board
The movie itself never influenced Japanese fashion lmao. At some point the Japanese picked up different variations of the word for themselves (someone more familiar with language could elaborate, I know there's various spellings that refer to different ideas in j-popculture).
But the "lolita" they use for Lolita fashion, or even when they refer to it in Larme, is meant to interpret child-like cuteness/innocence within an adult female. It's basically just an adult who has retained some element of childhood wonder.
That's very much the exact opposite of the "lolita complex" in the western world which is used to describe underage, presumably innocent, girls that are promiscuous and troublesome towards older males. It's a construct used to excuse and defend pedophilia.
So obviously we don't want to promote the movie or book here. Regardless of the original intent of the author, it represents a twisted male viewpoint of female innocence nowadays.
Anonymous 155
>>153Oh my god that Anon actually meant lolita fashion? I thought they were talking about larme, because of the heart-shaped glasses.
Anonymous 157
>>153>>155That anon here and I wasn't specifically talking about lolita fashion, although I do think the actual origin of the word "lolita" there is much more nuanced than what you're saying.
If I had to name j-fashions directly influenced by the movie, I'd say Larme, although I'd be surprised if that was the only one. The movie had a huge influence on runway fashion in the west too, which I'm sure some of us are interested in as well.
Also just because something was inspired by the fashion of the movie, doesn't automatically mean it's a weird ageplay thing or has anything to do with pedophilia.
Anonymous 162
>>157I would agree with you if the primary theme of the book/movie was its motifs or costumery, but everybody knows exactly why it's infamous and it's got nothing to do with fashion. Banners are supposed to be representational of both a board's vibe and it's userbase, and to me having an image of a fictional 12 year old rape victim projects something I'd rather not be associated with personally. I'm imagining now how the average Neckie would interpret it if they saw it.
>"one of their banners is a picture of Nabokov's Lolita. Even these dumb whores can't deny that they're inferior to prime 12 y/o pussy lmao" Anonymous 167
>>162If we make decisions based on how men will misinterpret things then we're still catering to them even in our own space.
Before I was just passively defending that anon's decision to make the banner, but now I really want the banner to run, if it's going to rustle neckbeards' jimmies in addition to being totally relevant to lots of fashions on this board.
Anonymous 169
>>167You're kind of zeroing in on only one of my arguments and disregarding the others. I'm just saying that I personally do not feel comfortable having a photo of a fictional, adolescent rape victim representing my posting activities, but then again I'm not an Admin and it's not up to me. That's just how I feel.
Anonymous 188

Decided to do some warm banners in honor of the new autumn theme! <3
Anonymous 195
These are fantastic :D
Anonymous Admin
Sorry for the delay, but all the new banners have been added and the broken ones are fixed! In the future, maybe I will be able to assign banner sets to their matching themes as well.
Anonymous 217
>>209 I'm not seeing any of the new banners cycle through, and I don't see them in the /banners director?
Anonymous Admin
>>217Have you tried clearing your cache?
Anonymous 219
>>218yep, still not seeing 'em for some reason
Anonymous Admin
>>219I'll look for the cause asap. Is this happening to anyone else? (Remember to clear the cache first)
Anonymous 322

I made one. I probably want to change the font color though, looking back…
Anonymous 331

I was bored and made this. I hope it is up to snuff, admin-sama.
I want to contribute more to this community and I'm glad we have opportunities like these.
Anonymous 332

>>331samefag, but here is a better version where the text is more visible. I attached the wrong image. rip
Anonymous 333

What is this? My sides lmao
>>332This is really nice, anon!
Anonymous 346
>>345I love this one! So cute <3
Anonymous 347

>>345last one– sorry for spam.
also thanks
>>346 &
>>333 for the kind words!
Anonymous 358

>>357FUCK, uploaded the wrong one. Here it is, just a bit slower. Looks better.
Anonymous 372
>>333Just saw this banner and lost it.
Props to the creator
>>345Also love this and the peach one, more banners w/ any of the girls from super smash bros would b nice<3
>>322this one is really pretty too
Anonymous 1229
banner final.png

I'd love to make a banner out of this and have managed to resize it.
But because it isn't a gif, I haven't been able to add text over it with gifntext which anon recommended.
I've done so in paint, but I'm not sure how to add the 2xp stroke to make it more visible.
Help would be appreciated for a tech illiterate like me, thank you!
Anonymous 1231
>>1229aaah please, this is cute <3
Anonymous 1302

I also have more potential banners.
Anonymous 1303

>>1302If that one isn't comfy enough, I have more!
Anonymous 1331
unnamed (13).gif

Please someone make a banner, I'm begging! Admin take this one too, please!
Anonymous 1364

about to have an incoming spam, this is my first time making banners so im sorry if they come out bad but feel free to use any!
Anonymous 1372

Made some more banners!
Anonymous 1374

>>1372This one i tried to make the apron say crystal cafe as a kind of "logo", idk if the font is a bit difficult to understand, but i think it's visible enough. Feel free to tell me so i can edit it if it's not visible enough tho!
Anonymous 1377

>>1372Whoops, jut realised the last one didn't go through.
Anonymous 1380
>>1377I love this one! Howl's Moving Castle was one of my favorite books when I was younger. Studio Ghibli changed a lot when they adapted it to a movie but it still gives me such cozy feels.
Anonymous 1381
>>1374I've been wanting to submit a banners or two and I just wanted to ask if you have an easy way to get the banner text onto a GIF or still image?
Anonymous 1383
>>1381Ah, i personally use photoshop cs6 since it's the most comfortable to use for heavy editing, but if you don't have access to that someone upthread mentioned ezgif and it seems legit enough and easy to use.
Anonymous 1402
>>1383Thank you for your response!
Anonymous 1463

>>1462This is my first time making banners and the first one didn't turn out so well, but it was fun!
Anonymous 1495
Let's add the new banners, pls ;_;
Anonymous Admin
Banners are updated!
Anonymous 1498

Ah I hope I didn't miss some kind of cutoff deadline.
Anonymous 1499
>>1498This one is super cute. I haven't seen the new ones yet, waiting anxiously.
Anonymous 1557

i made my first banner today
this is my first time creating a gif but i want to try making more now
Anonymous 1571
>>1557This is super cute! I'm not so sure about the placement of the text, but it will make a great banner. Good job anon!
Anonymous 1685

I think gif related would be A GREAT BANNER. We could even add robot and miner to it, it'd be even funnier. This is my request if anyone wants to take it.
Anonymous 1686
>>1476>>1477Oh god, you may not see this message but thank you so much! I recently just noticed all of your help in making them happen and freaked out a bit, you're the best!
Anonymous 1704

last one for now!
the editing app I used had no option for exact resolution so you can see how bad I am at approximating 300x100 lmao
Anonymous 1708

Made some darker banners for those Halloween /x/ vibes.
Anonymous 1731
>>1730omg I love this one. I didn’t know there were other people that liked the 90s anime watashi no kway-chan damacy
Anonymous 1732
>>1731are you being serious lmfao
>the animeany actual kway-chan fan knows that the manga was about 1000x better. the anime censors out all the ass-eating and skips the entire dark meteor bussy arc.
Anonymous 1733
>>1730I don't really like the idea of banners with discord quotes. Not miner is in the discord
Anonymous 1736
>>1733What about the banner without her username, just the quote? I think it would be nice
Anonymous 1737
>>1736I posted it, so I can do this if thats better for the mods! ^,^
Anonymous 1752

>>1751This one is slightly darker and was mostly made for Halloween/x purpose.
Anonymous 1757

>>1756This one i put the crystal.cafe in the cap, thought it was a cute idea, since here we cheer each other on.
feel free not to use it f it's not visible enough though.
Anonymous 1758

>>1757Annnnnnnnnnd last one.
Hope you girls like them!
Anonymous Admin
I will be updating banners again this weekend, so if you would like yours to be included, please make sure they have the right dimensions!
Anonymous 1821

Can someone make a banner out of this somehow? It's so so cute!
Anonymous 1831
But if I was to make I sugestion, can you make the writing a bit smaller and move it to the inferior right corner? So it doesn't get in the way of the face/animation! Thank you so much again!
Anonymous 1832

>>1831Like this? If you want me to make it smaller say so, here to serve <3
Anonymous 1836
giphy (4).gif

A banner with this cute ass capybara, please? <3
Anonymous 1837

Used a longer and larger gif, but is this one ok?
If you want any changes, just ask!
Anonymous 1848
>>1847Those aren't beavers they are capybaras - world's largest rodents!
Note the lack of the tail.
Anonymous 1948

bump, a new one. will post the rest later.
Anonymous 1951
>>1950These are super cute anon! i love them.
Anonymous 2125

can this be a banner? im not talented enough to do it myself.
Anonymous 2169
>>2168this is so comfy, i love it!
Anonymous 2171

>>2169>>2170these compliments have inspired me to make another.
^_^ Anonymous 2266

thisi know its not good but i was bored, hope u like!! back is transparent btw
Anonymous 2269
>>2268Oh, this game is so cute. Totally forgot about it
Anonymous 2279
>>2269Wait, what game is this from?
Anonymous 2280
>>2279Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times for the DS.
Basically Animal Crossing with a little extra plot.
Anonymous 2600

There's a lot of really lovely anime banners, but not many of western cartoons, so I had an attempt at one!
Anonymous 2621
>>2601Thats one is actually great!
Anonymous 2719

sorry i really wanted to contribute and it was fun.
Anonymous 3453

Are banners still being added? I made a bunch of them
Anonymous 3454
>>3453i wanna see all the ones you made anon!
Anonymous 3471

Well I miscounted but this is the last one for now I promise
Anonymous 3474
I appreciate it anon :^)
Anonymous 3725

Someone posted this bee plushie and I made a banner lol.
Anonymous 3726
>>3725I'm not even the anon who made the bee, but looking at this makes me unbelievably happy
Anonymous 3727
>>3725holy shit mods please add this my heart is so full
Anonymous 3728
>>3725it's beautiful
i'd love to see other banners made with miners' artwork and creations
Anonymous 3733
I love all the banners in this thread. It had me feel inspired but I don't know how to edit gifs especially by phone.
Anonymous 3849

>>3733I want to see this motorcycle scene from Bee and Puppycat turned into a banner. Sorry for the low quality gif.
Here's a higher quality from the original video at 1:55
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dop4MTlf_zc Anonymous 3850

If someone could crop my banner to be the correct dimensions that would be great!
Anonymous 3863
>>3860I absolutely love this. It's perfect! Thank you!! Hope to see it up someday.
Anonymous 3930
god damnit lmao
Anonymous 3931

>>3930remade it, my bad. I think the cow is cute
Anonymous 4592

making this banner cured my depression
Anonymous 4800
>>4799 Oh no
Think I the dimensions wrong. Could someone fix it for me?
Anonymous 4805
>>1349>awwAnon she is playing dead…
Anonymous 4816

reposting from a different thread
Anonymous 4818
Mods, please add all those cute new banners! It looks like the last one that was added was
>>1477 and that was three years ago
Anonymous 4819
>>4818I've seen
>>4592 and
>>4593 so I think there are some more recent ones. is there one in particular that you don't think is added and want?
>>4817really like this one!
Anonymous 4820

>>4819Thanks, Louis Wain's art is absolutely stunning and makes for good imageboard postings.
Anonymous 4823
>>4819>is there one in particular that you don't think is added and want?nta but the ranma one is hilarious to me and would make me laugh every time i got it, but it's kinda promoting domestic violence…
Anonymous 4890
>>4799What movie/tv show is that from
Anonymous 4894
>>4890It’s from the tree of life
Anonymous 4960
>>3931and this one < 3 god i love this one
>>3471 >>2827
>>2601 >>2602
these as well
Anonymous 5816

600 x 200 resizable to 300 x 100
Anonymous 6224
I would like to express my opinion that all 4 of the previous banner suggestions suck ass
Anonymous 6227
>>6224You also suck to be that salty
Anonymous 6228
>>6227You’re the salty one and she’s right. The 3 movie clip banners look like 360p rips from youtube and that last one isn’t even the right dimensions for a banner.
Anonymous 6229
>>6228The drawing looks cool af idk what you are talking about
Anonymous 6230
>>6228Then fix it and stfu salty person
Anonymous 7287
>>7286OH my bad I did not realize this gif was already used
Anonymous 7288

Made an edit of this gif, this is the og
Anonymous 7290

>>7288>>7289Banner, I think the cropping is a bit bad but idk
Anonymous 7641
>>1331>>1345what anime is this from? I love how cute the girl is, but I can't seem to find a source of where the gif is from…
Anonymous 9989

madotsuki is walking through rain :)
Anonymous 11394
Can we update the banners with some of the newer ones? The ones we have are so old