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I can never tell whether I'm having conversations with teens/preteens on here Anonymous 5048

I just assume a ton of the user base must be that age.?? Even though they say they're between 20-30 on friend finder…. Its really confusing. I don't know anyone in that age bracket presents the way people do here IRL.

The self-loathing / wallowing posts dumped here should probably.. really be banned because they make this place look like predator heaven. Moids will masterbate to that kinda thing. They LOVE it. I find it hard to believe nobody knows this though hth?

Vultures circle this place with CP, dick pics, gore …. tradthots stacies, etc manipulating the tone of the board, and making it feel toxic.

I used to get on GC and pinkpill on reddit, and I'd never run into this problem. Even Lolcow has much less of that ick.

I feel feel tired when I come here. :|

Anonymous 5049

So you just want this to be a place solely dedicated to pinkpill/gc rhetoric and… anime threads I guess?

It's an imageboard, there's only so much you can do to make it "safe".

Anonymous 5050

>I don't know anyone in that age bracket presents the way people do here IRL
Mostly because the teens of 2015-2017 (that age period) are around 20-24 now, not everyone fit to be an adult. Plus there’s definitely people who are underage, but you’re anonymous on this board (to most people) and that’s the benefit of the internet. Anyone can pretend to be any age, any gender.
>The self-loathing / wallowing posts dumped here should probably.. really be banned because they make this place look like predator heaven
That’s like saying Instagram and other redditboards like r/teens aren’t. The difference is that here, they are anonymous. Just like a burner account on Reddit.. They feel more safe to share their experiences, since sometimes, you just have to speak out. Moids coming to this board is inevitable.
>Vultures circle this place with CP, dick pics, gore …. tradthots stacies, etc manipulating the tone of the board, and making it feel toxic.
Again, moids and vultures will always come to this board. A pinkpilled-only imageboard like this is never gonna be perfect, and I think it’s great enough as it is. Toxicity will always appear on the internet, imageboard or not. At least we’re more safe than 4chan.

Anonymous 5051

Adding onto this, how would you even think about removing people who are not over the age of 18 (or 20)? We can’t start asking for IDs, that’s ridiculous. It’s like signing up for your first Facebook account, and choosing an age much higher than yours.
There is no guarantee that age restrictions will be followed, at least not on the internet.

Anonymous 5053

No definitely not. Actually I wish there were way more topics to chose from because there are only really 5. I know there are few posters here but maybe we could get to vote on just a few new additions or something? Music? Art? News?

I don't think you should ID anyone, no way. I can't see that working either, but vultures only really go where they smell blood.

I only really encounter this problem on this site. That's why I made the post. Lolcow has virtually none of it, at least compared to CC. Reddit has none whatsoever. Then again they all present a different energy than CC.

Anonymous 5054

If we can't vent on an anonymous site then where?
Just avoid the /feels/ board.

Anonymous 5055

Anon, those places are completely different in nature from here. CC is an ofshoot of Lolcow, but when CC was created, the majority of the userbase in LC were regular imageboard users, people who shared the culture of 4chan and the likes. Because LC gained notoriety in the mainstream media, now it has been inundated with Twitter and Reddit types, while this place keeps its more traditional imageboard culture.
Simply put, you are in the wrong place if what you're looking for is a normie-safe terfy space. Terf threads never even started to take off before a couple of years ago, the self-loathing has been here from the beginning.

Anonymous 5061

But this is one of the most terfy places I know?

Anonymous 5065

Or more like those places understand a basic thing, that its begging to be targeted and bullied when you wear self-loathing on your sleeve. I don't think you would call it venting so much as wallowing. Talking about your problems, getting feedback/solutions are all great, but I wouldn't call them the same as wearing a kick me sign on your back.

Somehow I just think we should all get to discuss whether we really want to live with the consequences

Anonymous 5067

This place is not targeted because of the venting femcelly self-loathing threads anon. It is targeted because it is an imageboard exclusively for women, with a terfy flavour at that. We will always be targeted regardless of what we do.
What we need is good moderation, we can't expect the dick-having retards to stop being retards anytime soon.

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