
Raid, porn and gore bunker Anonymous 9533
Bump to hide pornographic/illegal posts until mods can delete them. Doesn't have to be /b/.
Always report when you see bad posts, even if it hurts to click.
Stomaching looking at something disgusting helps out ALL nonas. Please do your part.
Last thread reached bump limit. Fuck scrotes.
Anonymous 9536

The scat spammer also spams a political altchan. He also posts lolicon pornography, or just anime images like this. I know its the same guy because he uses the same catchphrases like "Mods just banned loli but didn't tell anyone".
Anonymous 9556
Somehow /b/ is getting raided by soyjak posters…after their main site apparently went down.
Anonymous 9557
>>9556theyve been using a few new boards
Anonymous 9569
cp links in the Draw yourself in mspaint thread
Anonymous 9576
what's with the roblox posts
Anonymous 9577
Roblux retard in /media/, some moids don't have anything better to do on a Saturday
Anonymous 9585
The roblox posts greatly perplex me.
Anonymous 9590
Possible start of a raid in /b/? some pepe frogs and soijaks
Anonymous 9617

Spam across boards but mostly /b/
Anonymous 9638
>>9636It's a reference to the game Façade. If you say "melon" the characters get mad at you because it's a trigger word (synonym of boobs).
Anonymous 9641
>>9640Can someone post here when it’s gone? I would prefer to not see it. Today has been bad in terms of spam, moids really are competing to show how worthless they are
Anonymous 9642
>>9641It seems it's over for now
Anonymous 9692
it's happening again
Anonymous 9699

Illegal content on /b/. Again. Please report it to authorities and remove.
Anonymous 9707

moids disgust me holy fuck
Anonymous 9728

Suggestion : add a way to ban images by their MD5 hash.
Anonymous 9742

Please report the spammer in /b/ to authorities, and remove its posts.
Anonymous 9755
>>9728The Vichan upgrade for the Tinyboard software we use allows for this out of the box.
Anonymous 9786

CP on /b/ again, I think soyjak is raiding again
Anonymous 9787
>>9533cp in /b/ again, please delete it i feel sick.
Anonymous 9791
cp and gore are still in /b/
Anonymous 9809

do they get trigg ered by key words? or is it normal to have multiple spams in a day
Anonymous 9810

I just wish for my fellow chronical online girls to not see disgusting things in the catalogue
Anonymous 9811
15 Essential Camer…

remember to vary your shots in your drawings
Anonymous 9813
enough internet for the week
Anonymous 9832
Do you guys not use the report button at all
Anonymous 9833
>>9810>picrelare you telling me sex with moids causes cancer? Not surprised lol
Anonymous 9835
>>9832the homepage shows the latest pics whetever you want it or not, I don't know how long it takes for the report but if I had to see it might as well post few pics to avoid that happening to other girls, beside reporting of course
>>9833oral and cervical cancer, moids are literally poison
Anonymous 9907
Gore and nazis in /b/
Anonymous 9921
The soyjak party retards are raiding /img/ right now btw
Anonymous 9943

Posting a funny picture to help push the trash in /b/ of the homepage
Anonymous 9955
A weird post is in /hb/
Anonymous 9956
>>9955You must be new here.
Anyway, the anorectal violence anon is at it again.
Anonymous 9957
>>9956I wish I had at least 1% of the dedication he has. He's been at it for years.
Anonymous 9962

I don't understand what motivates them to do this. Women are not doing this to male dominated boards. Fucking foul.
Anonymous 9965
There's spam in /b/
>>9962Who cares why? Why waste neurons on this?
Anonymous 9966
I want to thank the mods for taking quick action on reports <3
Love to see my /b/ nice and tidy
Anonymous 9967
>>9966I'm afraid /b/ is not currently nice and tidy.
Anonymous 9968
Spam in /b/, i think?
Anonymous 9983

I'm so ashamed of myself for accidentally responding to a disgusting scrote.
Anonymous 9985
Assman is at it again!
Anonymous 9991
schizophrenic behavior again!
Anonymous 9993
all small imageboards are getting the same spam and the picture it gives us lucky isn't that bad. but i saw it real bad on anoncafe. maybe turn on captcha?
Anonymous 9994
>>9993I've seen it too.
I'm sure that an admin of another site complained that the spammer is doing manually, and he can even change his spam to make sure that it avoids word filters and captcha.
Anonymous 10022
Wow, I sure am ready to support the trans sisters after they spam the same tucking boy image twice while there's also a child porn thread up! Very progressive.
Seriously what do scrotes think they accomplish? We're not coomers, that shit is vile and those links aren't even tempting to pull up.
Is there a way to report the domain for hosting that kind of content, even?
Anonymous 10025

>>10022>Seriously what do scrotes think they accomplish? I remember a few imageboards that got taken down by cloudflare after they got reported by spammers who flooded them with questionable content. The mods weren't taking care of it and were unable to delete them as fast as they can. Some idiots at a specific place like to embed and edit disgusting content inside images or videos so it looks normal on thumbnails so you'll never know which content is safe and which one isn't.
Anonymous 10026
CP spam. Other imageboards like lainchan are also being spammed with the same gross images. I wish these scrotes death.
Anonymous 10027
There is a porn image stuck at the top of b
Anonymous 10028
>>10025one of the bigger 8chan spinoffs had an issue where people were uploading bad stuff and then archiving the page on the web archive before it could be deleted, and then using those backups as a tool to get the board shut down. it's good that theres 0 tolerence for cp but because of that trolls can weaponise it.
>>10022if anyone feels like doing janny work for the government, don't bother with this current spammer because the url shortener doesn't have a way to report links without posting your full dox, neither does the telegraph it goes to, and the filehost site is a cookiecutter template made specifically for this sort of thing. and if youre curious about any video or image that may be shown from the link, i clicked out of curiosity and
it was a vid of a philipino teenage man happily getting peed on by an obese philipino woman. he wasn't even naked. it's gross but hardly cp Anonymous 10031
Gross image and link on /b/
Anonymous 10035
please do something about the gross picture on /b/
Anonymous 10043

yeah its bad and maybe dumping images to knock it off the front page is going to help with newfriend impressions, but its not really necessary to have a public record of all the cheese pizza and how frequently its posted. the little 8chan wheelchair boy even said that the posters that are bots act on keywords they find and ur probably dumping those keywords here whenever you type out plainly what is being posted
Anonymous 10044
Not only CP but there's a lot of posts in /b/ that reeks of moidium that needs to be taken care of.
Anonymous 10049
ongoing soyjak raid in /b/
Anonymous 10060

Bumping disgusting stuff with movie screenshots.
Anonymous 10063

for everyone who had to look at something yucky here are some pretty flowers~~
Anonymous 10065
Wow, first thing as soon as the site's up again. Fuck this shit, I'm done.
Anonymous 10070
Can I please be a janny?
Anonymous 10074
CC used to be well moderated. Now there's spam for 4 to 6 hours. What happened?
Busy with holidays?
Anonymous 10075
>janny removes the shit posts but the CP is still in /b/
Come on now.
Anonymous 10089
Animal abuse in /feels
Anonymous 10131

There is a "raid" (at least a whole 10 posts) on /meta/.
Anonymous 10136
>>10135Im never again opening this site at work.
Why did no one tell me there is CP chazard before they introduced me to this place…
Anonymous 10138
Screenshot 2024-01…

scrubbing scrote residue off front page
Anonymous 10150

>>10148Why is no one spamming him off of the front page?
Why won't anyone ban him and delete his post?
Anonymous 10151

>>10150I hope that now I can return to the front page.
Anonymous 10152

>>10151Ok last image. He should be gone from the front page now.
Anonymous 10153

He is back at it again
I am gonna have nightmares from that picture
Anonymous 10159
cp and other spam in /b/
Anonymous 10164
cp in /b/ again, i hate scrotes.
Anonymous 10165

cant the mods automatically ban posts with the link/phrase for that one guy posting illegal content?
Anonymous 10166
im fucking appalled how people literally post child porn here
like I thought that shit was FBI screened since the 2010's
incredibly disgusted with how this site is attacked constantly with horrendous imagery
I cant even risk opening this site in public and this is one of my favorite sites to check
Anonymous 10176
not again (˘・_・˘)
Anonymous 10185
>>10166more seriously needs to be done about this. idc what, whether it be more jannies or screening as many proxies for perma ban as possible but the fact that CP can be left up on here for sometimes over an hour even after reporting it is just unacceptable.
Anonymous 10186
scrote maaturbating to dead girls in /b/
Anonymous 10192
>>10185it's been like this for years. when is the last time anyone has even heard from snail?
Anonymous 10198
soyjack troon posting beastiality gif and hairy moid ass in /b/
Anonymous 10200
>>10198well, i reported all of them but i apparently fucked up a bit by bumping some other threads on /b/ to hide the bad one, thinking i could delete them later and not being able to do so afterwards. sorry for the bad scenery out there.
Anonymous 10201
moid posting discord links on /b/
Anonymous 10231
Soyjak and gore raid in /b/. Again.
Anonymous 10236
Screenshot 2023-12…

>>10235do these people really have nothing better to do
Anonymous 10291
Danda is raiding again
Anonymous 10300
Cp on random
Anonymous 10302
soyjak party raid in b
Anonymous 10308
>tries to guilt trip women into begrudgingly dating men like him
>fails horribly
Anonymous 10316
Some 4chan chinlet thinks he's being epic on /b/.
Anonymous 10317
there is csam and animal gore on /b/ right now, can the jannies wake up and do their job
Anonymous 10321

hey soyjak dot party are kinda going around saying their weird gem speak on twitch and pretending to be crystal cafe. if we get raided by german twitch faggots we'll know why at least
Anonymous 10334

some asukas to bump that shit out
Anonymous 10337

im all out of asukas so here's a rei
Anonymous 10340
i cant remember which identities i used so its uneven
Anonymous 10341
wake the hell up, apparently in /b/ currently there are spammers that post "rapeson", they spam in soyjak website and here
Anonymous 10347
Soyteens acting their age
Anonymous 10349
I reported it but fucks sake jannies can you make a working gore spam blocking system so this stops being a problem? Spammers do it because there is no deterrent for their behavior whatsoever.
Anonymous 10364
CP in /b/. do these men ever stop?
Anonymous 10365
>>10364can it be removed from the home page too? that's so fucking vile.
Anonymous 10366
This site seems to get raided with CP even more often than lcf does.
Anonymous 10376
why is discord soyspam still up?
Anonymous 10377
>>10376soyjak. party is getting botted rn hahahaha
Anonymous 10405
drink to forget.jp…

pretend it's AI pretend it's AI
Anonymous 10406
admadamme should prohibit vpn ips from posting pix. that helps!
Anonymous 10408
cp spam in /b/ again, report and hide
can we hide images on the homepage? or get rid of that component altogether? i come to the homepage to see the newest posts but doing so is russian roulette with all the disgusting images being spammed.
Anonymous 10409
>>10408Looks like it has already been taken care of. I'd advise you just bookmark /b/'s catalog or index page so you don't have see the frontpage when you come to this site.
Anonymous 10410
>>10409Oh so commenting in /meta/ gets it removed quicker than reporting…
>just bookmark /b/'s catalog or index page so you don't have see the frontpage when you come to this site.That's what I usually do with another board on this site. Guess I got too comfortable and fucked up by going to the homepage today.
Anonymous 10439
There's currently a raid in /b/
Anonymous 10442

we're getting raided by a youtube channel
Anonymous 10443
>>10442what a shitty youtube channel
Anonymous 10768
green gable bee.gi…

Don't understand why moids love to soyspam /b/, there is too many to report
Anonymous 10769
field of flower an…

Actually, every board has soyspam except for /x/
Anonymous 10770
>>10767Why are these faggots so retarded?
Anonymous 10771

Dropping my bump. At least it’s not cp
Anonymous 10772
>>10771>cpTrue we got lucky. It's been a while though. Does spam usually stay up this long?
Anonymous 10774
Damn seeing all this retarded spam makes me sad
Anonymous 10776
So much gross shit. Waste of space on earth tbh.
Anonymous 10796

Anonymous 10798
>>9533i swear to god we need more jannies here. how does cp stay up for hours
Anonymous 10803
Anonymous 10834

>cp spam
Words can not describe how much I hate men, how much pain and suffering they bring upon others. I sincerely think they should be killed off at the cost of humanity's existence.
Anonymous 10843
So much spam on /b/ :(
Anonymous 10866
>>10865why does that person constantly spam those links as if anyone would click on it? other anons have said it's probably a honeypot and now i'm starting to see it but i just don't know why it's spammed on a website as dead as this one
Anonymous 10869
So kind of you to self-report within the thread itself. Enjoy your ban, and never come back.
Anonymous 10900

to the fucktard who keeps coming here and posting scat. Wishining you the worst
Anonymous 10907
I just don't get wny you're like this. What went wrong in your life for this to be what you consider fun? I wish you'd stop
Anonymous 10926
Gross stuff on /feels/
Anonymous 10928

I hate men I hate men I hate men kill all men kill all men kill all men
Anonymous 10929
Genuinely why does this place get spammed with CP 24/7? Is it a bot? A honeypot? Spiteful moids? It's always in /b/ or /feels/ which feels intentional like a person is doing it
Anonymous 10930
>>10929yeah and it's such a shame because I love this place. more jannies, maybe?
Anonymous 10931
don't panic nonas. all website servers know of this spam and give admins like 6 days to delete it. we are not in trouble or viewing it. don't bother clicking its lins to report it to its host, because those fie and link sites don't care and are hosted in india where cp is legal.
>>10929i lurk other boards and they always have the same spam at the same time. there are bots you can download specifically for this website software , tinyboard i think. other board software has bots too. wordfilter doesnt work. accounts are out of the question. there are 3 solutions i know
1. keep vpns from posting images
most of these posts come from vpns. it works on the moid board and the yume nikki board. they still get spam but its just words
2. post queue
someone programed one for the first tinyboard that might work. new threads get put in a queue and are only made public when a mod approves them.
3. secret codeword. like a captcha but the question is something simple like "what is the 4 letter wors that a[b]nona[/b]mous users refer to eachother here" and the answer is nona. bots and spamtards can do normal captchas but not these kind. you can tell people the anwers are in the rulespage and force them to read the rules too so its double win.
i think i suggested 1 and 3 before. i think they would be easy to implemement and you could probably find a moid to implement it for like $50. the software is all open too so they wouldn't need access to the site database or anything and could just give you an installer thing.
Anonymous 10932

>>10927Is it gone yet? I wanted to check something there but it don't wanna see that stuff
Anonymous 10994
A troon is posting poo in /b/
Anonymous 11002
Your obsession with feces is honestly worse than trooning out
Anonymous 11006
Liar. I don't care what you "think". You will never be a woman, you faggot.
Anonymous 11015
troon is posting poop in /b/
Anonymous 11018
41% yourself tranny
Anonymous 11024
>>11022I wonder if the poop pics are a sexual thing. Or is it some male "visual being" thing where photographs make them feel scared/nauseous and they project that onto women?
Anonymous 11025
>>11024i think ur looking too deeply into it, most likely just a bored troll
Anonymous 11026
>>11022Can we fucking perma IP ban the fucker? This is unbearable
Anonymous 11027
>>11025For context he's an autistic tranny with delusions of grandeur. He thinks women lack empathy and he's somehow taking revenge by posting pictures from his scat porn collection.
Anonymous 11028
>>11024I think it’s just a trolling thing, they probably know poop grosses out most people/women and wanna disturb this place
Anonymous 11030

>im not a tranny im a true and honest woman! i just hate you low empathy terfs!!!!
Anonymous 11031
>>11030Why would you do that to a steak…
Anonymous 11032

The schizo spamming poop and samefagging is not Blaine but a tranny by the username of "femsec coyote" he keeps annoying women from female only spaces online to "own the terfs"
Anonymous 11081
Why not implement an auto-ban system where if you're reported enough, say 10 times, you just automatically get banned from posting for 720hrs?
Anonymous 11083
>>11082Oh, you're right nona, it's fucking hopeless, we should all just be defeatest and let him post pictures of shit all over the site, disregard any and all ideas that could make it better.
Anonymous 11085
>>11082isn't there ways to detect VPNs?
At least having a captcha fill, or a cooldown timer of 1 minute (like the one on 4chan) for every new post by a different IP
That would significantly slow down the rate of spamming ; and shouldn't bother normal posters too much since they're not constantly changing IPs
Anonymous 11086
Idk why you tell us about your life like we care
Anonymous 11088

>>11083I didn't say that. I think the solution would be to get more mods so they an get rid of this stuff faster
Anonymous 11093

I don't get how you can stomach looking at all that stuff. Like I get you believe you're some kind of vigilante, but at some point it's gotta make you nauseous, I would think. I just don't think this is a productive use of your time or ours. If you want to be heard for your message or whatever ideology you're trying to push or fight against, you can just say it instead of always posting shit. Just say what you want to say.
Anonymous 11098

why do you think we are low empathy if not the anti-male or anti-trans beliefs?
Anonymous 11103

Who do you feel bullied you? And how?
Anonymous 11104
No one bullies innocent people here. You're mistaking this site for lolcow.
Anonymous 11105

I don't think I could ever not feel sick looking at that stuff, even if it was being spammed in a place online I hated. And believe me there are plenty of places like that. I've been banned from more places than I can count, and blocked so many times I've given up on trying to make friends beacuse I'm terrified of losing them. Can't say I didn't deserve at least some of it though. I can be toxic as hell sometimes. Still, I know what it feels like to hate people, and I know what it's like to not give up. It just wouldn't make looking at literal shit worth it for me imo.
Anonymous 11108

have you ever been bullied anon?
Anonymous 11114

I know how you feel. I was bullied to hell and back all throughout schooling. Other kids would constantly ignore me, break my things, move away when I tried to be near them, make fun of me, put things in my hair, ect. I had literally 0 friends at all until middle school. They'd even try recording me and stuff. Anything they could do to get a rise out of me they would. Because they thought it was funny I guess. Or beacuse they felt I was so wired I deserved it or that it didn't count. If I had a dollar for every time I was asked out "as a joke" I'd be… well way richer than I am now. As for the SA, I only had something like that happen to me once as a kid and it fucked me up big time. I couldn't look at any kind of nudity even in art or just seeing myself for years I would feel sick and scared. I can't imagine what it would be like having it done to you multiple times, and by a family member no less. I am truly sorry that happened to you.
Anonymous 11176
>>11118She resembles bio-chan so much that I hope it was intentional even though I never actually played the game
Anonymous 11211
Some weirdo is posting illegal porn links in the pearl thread on b @ number 271824
Anonymous 11255
Retards are raiding /b/ again.
Anonymous 11263

illegal looking stuff on /b/ and /img/ again
Anonymous 11267
>>11114Just random but an irl friend of mine posted this exact same photo on her TikTok saying she relates to that girl (idk who she is though but it seems worrying since she’s holding a box cutter)