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Do you ever spot people you think use this site? Anonymous 9614

I see women all the time and wonder if she might use CC. Have you guys ever experienced this?

Anonymous 9618

I know anyone who uses it would be their rooms as opposed to out and about
only semi-related but I remember seeing on some site that there was an anonymous person who identified herself as a radfem and as living in my city, and my city has less than 50k people. I wonder if I've ever passed her?

Anonymous 9619

I have an irl friend who uses cc, she introduced me when I was ranting about 4chan being shit and she told me cc has a much chiller ib culture.

Anonymous 9620

No. Not enough users. Not even at a con and I am from a large metro. I am glad for that. Though I would love to make pins or something of the crystal logo, or even some pins of our mascots to give to other nonas. I am a fan of the 4CC scarves and designs, I have met many friends (and questionable individuals) from when I would wear my scarf in the past at cons and similar events. I would like to meet more of us in the wild. I feel very alone and have difficulty befriending others, especially with other women like myself.

Anonymous 9632

I don't know what CC users are like, irl. It could be anyone.

Anonymous 9665

Im hoping I give off that vibe so a girl my age will notice and become my friend immediately and we will be autistic besties for years to come. The end

Anonymous 9750

i'm also hoping to befriend a girl in the wild but i'm barely going out of the house and if girls are anything like me we don't stop and pay attention to anything

Anonymous 9778

No :(

Anonymous 9982

this is a small imageboard, so it's statistically unlikely. i do tend to scroll it on the bus though, so watch out i guess

Anonymous 9996

I act completely different irl, you would never tell me apart from a tired normie

Anonymous 10008

i can think of a solid 4 people irl who would fit right in on this site. i dont want to bring the burden of knowledge on them so i refuse to ask them.

Anonymous 10030

CC is not 4chan or Reddit. There are like 12 posts a day, meanwhile previously mentioned sites get 1000 posts and 100 000 posts a day each. There are like 1500 CC active users in total and are all spread around the world. Chance of finding one in the wild is zero.

Anonymous 11312

what features would someone have that'd make you think they'd use it? asking because I share
>>9665 and >>9750's sentiments

I teach at a college so these days I'm out and about a lot, actually. Obviously I don't have a social life outside of work though.

Anonymous 11315

I don't think the women who use this website would act in a particular way that might show that they use CC

Anonymous 11350

wait just got here is cc like 4chan but for women?

Anonymous 11352

no, cc is not "4chan for women".

Anonymous 11353

you're right, links to CSAM wouldn't have been left up for 45 minutes on any other chan

Anonymous 11354

not every imageboard is 4chan

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