
hollywood cover ups Anonymous 10266
anyone got creepy hollywood stories or conspiracys that arent known as much its like crack to me
Anonymous 10395
>>10394It's nice to see a theory video mention the Dane Cook parties and his connections to Seth Green and other comedians. The men at the comedy store club are mega creeps and have been getting away with abusing women and girls for far too long. Never forget that Jeff Ross was accused of grooming a 15 year old girl and then tried to turn her own family against her. Don't forget that Jim Carrey is also friends with Seth Green and he abused his ex and also allegedly abuses women and girls en masse
I don't buy all of Kappys BS and I do think at times he was schizo but the one thing he was correct about is that a lot of the men he mentioned, esp the comedians are abusive psychopaths.
Anonymous 10409
Most celebrities murder women and get away with it. The whole event is memory holed and a fake cause of death like suicide or overdose is issued to the public.
Anonymous 10410
Jim Carrey is a serial killer
Anonymous 10452
Drãke, Beÿoncé, Jây Z et al have hitmen and regularly order murders. They openly mention it in their songs. Rumor has it the LAPD, Toronto PD etc are on their payroll too. Kañye begged on stage for JZ not to “come for his head”, Cassie’s court filings exposed that Dîddy tried to literally blow up Kid Cudį, Dr4ke in recent years started rapping about calling hits and has had ties with Somali gangs in TO for years , etc.
“Starwhackers” hired by the labels/studios to keep celebs in line. Similar to the above except on a larger, more organized scale, where the celeb’s bosses organize the hits.
Bēyønce is a high voodoo priestess and her alter ego “Sasha Fierce” is her while under d*monic possession. Same thing with OnikaMinaj and her alter ego. TSwïft is a witch promoting goddess worship, Gågå is doing the same with M Abramowitch.
Dräke is an escort (for men) as is the Beebs.
Anonymous 10459
>>10452Something kinda funny about Jimmy from Degrassi putting a hit out on somebody but my tinfoil hat says you’re spot on with at least half of that
Anonymous 10634
>>10626Did you create that subreddit?
Anonymous 10635

>>10634Most of it's based off the giant deep dive from gdrive with additional screenshots and info and a lot of the links converted because archive ph is behaving wonky
A little more digestible and palatable version of this but either way if you feel like blackpilling yourself on how evil jim and hollywood in general are, read up
https://docs.google.com/document/d/11PmM58n0eQI7JXNzL4awS9zuuWllALNIMaJgPv9QJ1g/ Anonymous 10636
successful hollywood stars are almost always part of the pedo cult. i’m like 100% sure you can’t get that far without having some sort of blackmail against you in that regard. and it has to be raping a kid or being a sex slave to higher ups. they promise you fame and success when you do but now you have to listen to them otherwise your career is ruined boom you’ve just sold your soul for fame and money. hollywood people are the most corrupt and demonic. pretty sure higher ups in scientology are grooming children like they groom normal people to join
Anonymous 10653

>>10635Whoever did this, I am manifesting you die in a fiery automobile crash
Fucking cunt
Anonymous 10655
>>10635I read your entire write up nona, good job. May your soul be at peace soon enough. Also you should put the document on multiple places before it gets taken down, for sure!
Anonymous 10656
>>10655I wish someone in authority or some whistleblower would just throw him to the wolves.
It's taken its toll.
I'm so tired. I'm so, so fucking tired of it all.
Anonymous 10657
>>10266Lady Gaga killing Lina Morgana is a rabbit hole i regret falling in.
Anonymous 10659
>>10653why did it get banned? it didn't even violate any rules
Anonymous 10660

>>10659It didn't violate squat. The first sub has never been taken down either.
mods on reddit are probably in cahoots with him. and other celebs. I'm not kidding. I seriously believe public figures pay for takedowns and astroturfing against negative exposure. he's rumored to lurk online himself and respond to hate, run his own fan accs (tbh there's not that many), troll etc. I mean if celebrities use media manipulation with tabloids why in todays digital age would they not try using it on Reddit, twitter, TikTok, instagram etc?
I also restricted the comments on the second sub so they were moderator approved only, which may have also pissed Jim and his team off if they are behind the takedown.
They want to be able to post defamatory and hateful comments like they possibly did on the first subreddit post about cathriona whites death to control the narrative and artificially upvote those comments to discredit what he did to her and the effort put into the overall deep dive. cuz some people will skip straight to the comments instead of reading the post and then prejudge based on them.
Anonymous 10661
>>10660Look at the top comment from the first sub which doesn't even make sense in context, nor do the upvotes make sense. The one by the Oblongstring guy. I deleted my first acc so I didn't get to moderate and delete all the incel / astroturfing responses, but I did respond to it on a new account much later asking the dude to take it down and he just kept whining about people reporting him and it resulting in 3 day bans
it may be a bot or handler and not a real person, as possibly are quite a few of the hate comments under the post
The prestigious fly user playing pickme is the newest one who keeps incessantly arguing and writing long and ridiculous walls of text about how she thinks Jim is neither "good nor evil", but my responses to her got deleted so you can't really see the back and forth proper. Again, possibly not a real person.
https://old.reddit.com/r/carr3yrece1pts/comments/10e9tsf/jim_carrey_deep_dive_part_iii_cathriona_white/ Anonymous 10662

>>10661>his fans have turned against him!>but I don't believe he's a terrible person because there's no evidence!>meanwhile the post herein and the subreddit is full of evidence that he is a terrible person this is so convoluted I don't even know where to start. she may be one of the rare Jim hard cores from his fansite, there's a mod named "Jane" there and this woman according to her reddit profile is named "Jane", but they have different typing styles. Either way she's a fucking insufferable dumb pickme broad
Anonymous 10664

>>10662User deleted her alt account to cover her tracks.
Please help report the new main account and see if it's taken down.
https://old.reddit.com/user/PrestigiousFly1277 Anonymous 10667

>>10666Ew, no.
This guy is friends with celebrities and a terrible antisemite piece of shit
Fuck him
Anonymous 10668
>>10653Maybe make a thread on LC and post the receipts there?
Anonymous 10669

>>10668I'd need to reformat them to be image board adaptable and they have a lot of pictures. Maybe. It's extremely image heavy and not short.
I was gonna try other sites and try reposting on reddit again on a different IP but mainstream social media seems to be a bad idea.
Trying to post about him on TikTok just with a general "he's a bad person" vague video also led to removal and this was months ago, my vid was up less than 10 mins.
This phenom is ridiculous bc I know big ego jim doesn't have "stans" to be reporting negative content about him like he's chris evans 24/7, he's not conventionally attractive, his fandom was never "cuckoo for cocopuffs crazy", and nobody likes him that much
Anonymous 10774

Not sure if this belongs here but does anyone have any thoughts on the Erin Valenti case? I recently found out about it and BlameItOnJorge did an interesting vid on it.
>She was a tech designer, big into transhumanism and stuff like brain implants
>worked at many tech companies
>was also spreading awareness about human trafficking
>called her parents talking about “being in the matrix” and in a thought experiment game
>went missing, cops didn’t care
>Later found dead
There was a thread on the r/UnResolvedMysteries subreddit which had some explanations. Mainly
>it’s pretty common to be talking like that when you have your first accute manic episode, it’s common for the first to happen in your Early 30s (she was 33), lots of people have seen their loved ones with mania talk like that before getting help
>drugs are apparently common at conferences like the ones she was going to
>No drugs were found in her system but to be fair the police were very half assed with her case, didn’t investigate until long after and deemed it “natural causes”
>it’s likely she did some drug that doesn’t linger in your system and can’t be found or took a small amount
>cops probably half assed the autopsy.
There’s rumors her dog was dead with her too but I’m not sure of that. It’s an interesting case, but I personally think she probably OD’d on some drugs though. Apparently she also had chronic thyroid but I’m not sure if that can be fatal. There are similiar cases like Ray Rivera who said similiar stuff about being in a matrix and a movie called The Game (though his death was similar to the one a character in the movie apparently has so he may have just been trying to recreate it, he was known to be a bit off his rocker so to speak). Erin also apparently was super high energy and if you’ve seen people get high on drugs you would know they’re not exactly in the right state of mind. Apparently she was doing some stuff with brainwaves and went to a conference prior to her death (it’s rumored they talk about simulation theory and related stuff at these conferences). Also if this was a coverup from the government, I really think they would’ve tried to give her a more convincing cause of death, it’s unlikely to be a coverup too as police are known to kinda suck and not take cases too seriously which seems to be what happened here, they literally said “she’s an adult so she’s voluntarily missing”, yikes. Her husband was a psychologist and some have said they think it’s weird he couldn’t pick up on her mental illness though he stated after the fact that he thinks it’s pretty likely that she did have a psychosis, bipolar, or manic episode that caused her to say that stuff and possibly cause her to die from something like dehydration (she was in a car in California) and it’s common for high ranking people to develop mental issues like these. Hyperthyroidism can cause similar schizophrenia-like symptoms. An illness called hypchloremia also could’ve had something to with it and causing a petechial hemorrhage. So yeah I think these explanations make more sense and are what I personally believe, it being referred to as “natural causes” was shitty wording imo, it’s obviously not natural but it caused a physical response from her body more likely. Apparently you can so forget to eat and drink when you travel with mania and it causes sleep disturbances. Additionally given how Elon Musk believe in simulation theory it wouldn’t shock me if she already did too, it seems common in the tech-y community and I’m not sure of if she had any kind of different religious upbringing. Regardless of what the true answer is, she seemed like a genuine and well meaning person and it’s horrible how her investigation after the fact was conducted, RIP to Erin and I hope her family is doing alright.
Anonymous 10776
Bump because there’s porn below, don’t scroll I hope and pray it’s not CP