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fucked up websites Anonymous 10412

what are the most fucked up websites you've come across? what made them fucked up to you?

Anonymous 10414

In the early days of the internet there were tons of shock challenge sites. Where increasing disturbing videos would play automatically. They were popular in my middle school and high school.
>Usually featuring:
Animal torture
Cartel executions
Self mutilation
Body disfigurements
Gross out

Most got taken down after featuring either real murder or dead children

Anonymous 10415

Anyone remember run the gauntlet?

Anonymous 10416

I do, I never did it by myself but I did it with friends

Anonymous 10418

It's a weird cyber cult

Anonymous 10430

Now this is what i came here for !! >:3

Anonymous 10431

Anyone remember the Shaye Saint John website?

Anonymous 10433

download (1).gif

interesting effects?

Anonymous 10439

Octopusgirl.com (WARNING it has a video of a girl giving birth to an octopus)

Anonymous 10447

Anonymous 10448


Anonymous 10450


idk this might not sound very scary but one time I stumbled upon a website containing some of Tracy Twyman’s work and I think it was legit cursed…. the site had that typical 2000s conspiracy schizo website interface w the different inconsistent fonts of different colors/sizes, random images of sigils(?) and dark stuff, flashing background graphics, plus an endless scroll bar of long analyses of Tracy’s work which iykyk was very serious occult stuff…. it made me extremely uncomfortable, I felt darkness emanated from the site, so I shut it off and immediately Praymaxxed and eyebleached

Anonymous 10454


Anonymous 10456

this is the most fed website i've seen in my life

Anonymous 10496

lol this is just e/acc landite ""chaos magic"" larp

Anonymous 10509

that one with "cute" dead guys but mostly of them are very ugly indians. such a pointless site

Anonymous 10510

What is the url

Anonymous 10511

something like cute dead guys but i wont post here since last time i was banned for 1 day

Anonymous 10513

would've it been better if they were actually cute

Anonymous 10514

Anonymous 10519

Never forget when girls here on cc rated the cute ones before it got wiped out

Anonymous 10641

probably a pedo image website disguised as another instagram. it was like the pedo pinterest. reading the comments made me gag. the amount of creepshots made me never want to go outside again. and the amount of kids being posted by the men they were supposed to trust in their life made me distrust every male family member. some of them were just children being posted on social media and it made me hate any parent who acknowledges that people like this exist and they just don’t care and continue to post their kids on social media

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