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death valley.jpeg

"The Death Valley Germans" Anonymous 1042

German tourist family disappears in the Death Valley. Random guy starts a blog while he tries to investigate what happened to these people and at the end he found out exactly what happened. This is his blog http://www.otherhand.org/home-page/search-and-rescue/the-hunt-for-the-death-valley-germans/ and I 10000000% recommend reading everything. It was an amazing investigative work from this guy.

Anonymous 1356

Thanks for posting this. I grew up close to Death Valley, and this story gives me a mixture of nostalgia and envy. One must love a good mystery.

Anonymous 4351

Old ass necrobump but this was an interesting read!

Anonymous 4416

I like to see when someone is reading years-old archives. Cheers!

Anonymous 4418

good find anon, it was an interesting story

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