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Zodiac Signs.png

Im new to astrology. Your experiences! Anonymous 10512

What are your experiences with other people (for example your bf/husband) and their character resembling the attitudes commonly attributed to their sign?

I know a cancer guy and he fits almost perfectly with the description given in the internet (like being very empathetic and family oriented but also having mood swings especially during a full moon).

It makes me wonder if there really is something to all of this. I have never paid attention to Astrology up until now.

Anonymous 10533

I have some experience with guessing people's rising or moon sign correctly

Anonymous 10586

it's very real, go to a website like astro seek dot com and generate charts for people whose full birthday you know and it will give you a decent gist of what everything means, looking further into someone's placements other than just their sun sign, and noting the "aspects" planets make with each other in their own chart, and in relation to the charts of others, will show you just how real it gets

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