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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Strange things you’ve heard or seen Anonymous 10568

I think I just heard a meteor burn up or hit the planet. I sleep with the window open and I hear vehicles drive by all the time, but this was different. It was like something streaked by through the air and then popped. Not a big explosion but a pop sound.
It’s funny because the only other witness is my cat. He heard it too,

Anonymous 10569

I have a sixth sense that's not always right, but when it's accurate, it's painfully accurate. There are times within my personal life and within the world where tragedies and major events have occurred and I can feel the spiritual buildup in my entire body that something bad is going to happen. Usually the image is not clear as to what will happen, but the premonition is very much there.

Anonymous 10665

I was about to suggest exploding head syndrome, but then you said your cat heard it too.

Anonymous 10795

I saw a meteor too recetly, it was awesome! I was just watching a movie at night and looked out of the window for a second and there it was. Really bright light flew by my window into the forested hills behind my village. I have never seen anything like that before it was so cool because it was VERY close and big.

Anonymous 10799

Imo it could have been fireworks or maybe it was a car. I’ve heard what sounds like an explosion and it turns out the person in front of me on the road just has a broken muffler

That kinda sounds like anxiety. Have you ever been tested for it and any other disorder? Not trying to be disrespectful or anything but I’m just trying to see if there’s any other explanations here

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