Astral Projection Anonymous 10575
Do you believe in astral projection? I'm a pretty big skeptic but I've had numerous experiences that I can't just write off as weird dreams.
Anonymous 10583
the people who tend to believe and talk about astral projection are low iq
Anonymous 10589
>>10583Most of the time yeah, I'm talking about more cerebral out-of-body expierences during sleep paralysis or uncanny lucid dreams than escapist fantasies thoughever
Anonymous 10642
i tried astral projecting once and ended up with sleep paralysis. that was the first and last time i’ve ever had sleep paralysis. i never really cared for it tbh just wanted to try. even if it was real the thought of the possibility of something else possessing you is scary. lucid dreaming sound pretty cool though
Anonymous 10806
I do and i have a lot to say if you care to read it. When i was 15 i had insomnia and it was so bad that i heard voices at night, like a crowd of people talking to me and i couldn't make out what they're saying. It lasted for hours and later i realized i was extremly stressed in my life and that's why it was happening. I decided back then that i have to start controling my brain to get rid of this state so i started learning lucid dreaming from Giz Edwards on youtube. He had various techniques how to do it and i learned them all. I got pretty good at it and really enjoyed flying and painting with clouds and shit. Giz Edwards said back then that he didn't belive in astral projection, but he had some stranger experiences that he couldn't explain though. I was an "epic atheist" at 15-16 and laughed at everything "esotheric" so lucid dreaming is where i thought it ended for me.
One night though i did have an astral projection experience. I woke up very tired, stuggeled to get up and came out of my privacy blanket bunker that was in our room (had 3 rommmates) and the second i stood up i felt intense fear. Like something isn't right and i can't find out what. I tried to wake up my roommates, shouting at them, even pouring water at them and they just kept sleeping. When i woke up for real i was confused because i haven't experinces anything like this before. I knew all types of dreams, dreams where you feel fear, intense dreams, dream within dreams, you could say i was an expert on dreams and their nuances… but this was different. Couple of nights after that i had the same experience, struggeled to get up, felt the fear and couldn't wake my rommates up. The second time though i noticed that although it was very dark i could see everything well. Usually everything is grainy and blurry for me at night, but this time i can see everything sharply.
Over many years i kept having this state at night and i was able to study everything that happenes to me and get better with my abilities in this state.
When it comes to physical sensation it goes like this: You usually wake up in the middle of the night to drink or go to toilet, then you lie on your back (btw all higher states of consciousness that have to do with sleep are best done on the back) a try to fall asleep. In the middle of faling asleep you feel buzzing in your feet. The vibrazions go from your feet to your brain and as they're nearing the brain they speed up. Once they reach your brain it starts buzzing like a phone and gets stronger and stronger, sometimes even "dings" like a doorbelll - that happens when the vibrations get to your brain faster than usual. After that your brain suddenly stops buzzing and you feel like you have to get up. It's difficult because you're tired, you were just going to fall asleep. So you sit up, stand up and then feel the fear. The fear, in my theory, is there because astral projection is something foreign to your brain. It doesn't do it often so it's a bit feaked out. For me though, once i feel the fear i know i'm in the astral world and it makes me super happy and adrenaline-like because i enjoy it.
The look and feel of the astral dimension i'm always in: As i said before, the world there looks just like our world but it's like you can see everything well. It's always either pitch black night or dark like the time before the sun comes up. The most important marker of the astral dimension is the flow of time. Time flows exactly like the time in our reality. This is how you can easilly tell it apart from dreams. In dreams, even if they are pretty realistic ones, there's always some time jump in there or some time blurring, or you jump from a location to another. That doesn't happen in astral projection, it's the same as our reality when it comes to time. Even travel distances take more time..unless you use your energy well. You are an astral body so you can use all sorts of powers that aren't limited by your physical body so learning lucid dreaming and learning to fly helps me in the astral world. I can fly just the same as in dreams (The fastest way to fly is iron man style, you shoot energy from your feet and if you have lot of it and concentrate good you can fly into space with it too!). Lately i also transformed my body into a dragon body and flew with big powerful wings, that was pretty cool and i hope i'll get to flying as a dragon more.
Entities: I don't meet very many of them. The astral dimension i'm in is always very peacefully quiet. Some people would say it's eerily quiet but since i lost the instinctual fear because nothing bad ever happened to me there, it's peaceful to me. Couple of times i met people who seemed like they were echoes from another time. Like some kind of shadow of their existence got written into the astral world and they existed there like a low conscious loop that i intefeared with. For example i flew into the neighbouring house and an old lady from the 1910's era lied there in bed and got scared of me because she thought i was a dragon (i wasn't but that's where my idea that i could look like one came from). Or i met 2 boys who came from the bus stop after school on my street and they looked like from the 60's. Much more interresting entity i met was a parrot. it was in the beginnings of my astral projecting. I thought i'll visit my best friend who lived near me. I went into his garden a stared at him from behind a window being on his laptop at night. Suddenly there was a the big red parrot next to me sitting on a pole. My friend used to have parrots and one got lost and never came back. This parrot that was next to me was like an entity that masked itself to look like something that belongs into that garden and he whispered something to me. Kept whispering something and i undestrood it, but in the morning i couldn't remember what it was. It felt like that wasn't just a time echo like the people i met, it was a higher more powerful creature.
I don't have astral projections as often now when i'm nearing 30 but i'm in my psychedelics era now and that's fun also, just different kind of fun. Shrooms are like exploring the light and godlike side of the world and astral projection and all the states that happen in your sleep is like exploring the dark (not evil or bad) the deeper, animalistic, natural side of the world. When i couldn't get to any interresting drugs in my youth at least i had really cool times with the abilities of my brain. When i astral project these days it always happens when i'm in a good mood overall, seems like serotonin is also connected to this ability somehow. I also found out that natural drugs like weed or shrooms don't really have a negative effect on astral projecting abilities. I don't know what else to say but if anybody want to ask me something feel free. I really took this as my lifelong research into consciousness and brain control, never as a spiritual woowoo as i started as an inssuferable atheist, because controling your brain really helps you with mental problems and even silly lucid dreaming can massively improve your life in areas you wouldn't think of. I also have to add that i didn't read any books on astral projection and didn't listen to any youtubers who did it. I didn't want to be influenced by somebody's ideas and wanted to experinece it pure and make my own conclusions. I only read up some basic stuff that said nothing more like: "your soul come out of your body" and then what Giz edwards said it's supposed to be which wasn't much info eaither because he didn't belive in it.
Anonymous 10809
>>10806Most of this sounds schizo, though please report back if you ever try Benadryl
>>10575I think there's a lot of room for research into dreams and the unconscious mind. Astral projecting sounds like hippie shit/'believe and it happens' mind tricks. That said, having the control to force your brain into hallucinations/delusions could be appealing as a form of self control. I wonder if there's much overlap with hypno/'suggestion' stuff.
Anonymous 10812
>>10809I know it's complicated therefore schizo for you, but that's okay somebody might find it useful.
Anonymous 10814
>>10806Your post makes me want to try lucid dreaming again, I've been almost lucid a lot recently. I'd like to try AP someday. What benefits have you gotten from lucid dreaming and AP, I'm curious. And in the astral, can you see small details like words in a book?
>>10809Benedryl sucks
Anonymous 10817
I've never spoken of this before and I'm sure I'll get made fun of but whatever. A couple of years ago I was in bed asleep and thought maybe I'd kind of halfway woken up but not fully to open my eyes or anything when I suddenly felt myself leaving, rising quickly into the sky. I shot straight up, I could feel the sensation of movement, the speed, at which I was rising. I hadn't had any substances to influence my sleep and I hadn't been drinking or anything. I felt myself shooting up through the clouds and leaving the atmosphere, then I stopped and was just…there…floating I guess, at the edge of space. I wasn't exactly scared, more startled than anything, like what the hell, how did I shoot up out of bed, how did I feel the sense of movement and speed. Idk what it was, but I've never experienced anything like it before or since. I knew my body wasn't "with" me during this time, that I'd left it but could still feel things. I felt myself rush back down to earth and then I woke up and kind of had to take a moment to adjust to my surroundings and see I was indeed in bed.
Anonymous 10821
It's real and there is a technique with the success rate of 90% in 15 days in this book "the phase" and you can find it online, it's free, anyone can do it. Most people do it the first days, me and my friend did it first try and a lot of people experience it and talk about it! And they're not all lying and insane.. I think it's insane to think that.
Anonymous 10825

Weird near death experience I read. Apparently this person almost died as a baby, their personality completely changed after and they went from upbeat to completely quiet, and now they have weird “psychic powers” like basically mind reading and going to “the other world” where people will warn them of things going wrong. I don’t know how much I believe this is real or if it’s just made up but it sounds like going to this “other world” is similiar to astral projection 10828
No offense but I’m really yet to have any reason to believe Astral Projection is anything other than the brain being overly imaginative in a lucid dream. Why does nobody ask their dead Grandma “Hey where’d you leave the jewelry?” When they AP and always just come back with vague and esoteric philosophy instead of anything verifiable?
Also have any of you heard of Robert Monroe? He was one of the most famous APers and he even worked with the CIA on some docs that have become the subject of many conspiracies. Have any of you tried his methods and what did you think? Apparently he also said Earth was a farm of emotional energy called loosh which was one of the kickstarters for the prison planet theory