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For everything creepy, morbid, or occult

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 10599

I hate people online so much that I can't help but want to push them to suicide but most social media are too sensitive and ban you for anything. I really wish there was I way I could push certain individuals I encounter online to kill themselves but no matter what I say it's always words that just slide off their backs. I wish I had some ability to dox or blackmail them, they would absolutely deserve it, I wish I could just find out where they work and live and spread the stuff they say so bravely online to their loved ones or their coworkers and bosses to ruin their lives

Anonymous 10601

Ok I will kill myself this one time just for you

Anonymous 10602

Hell yeah u da goat

Anonymous 10610


Anonymous 10644

Anonymous 10647

Yeah me too. Life can be a bitch and folks like us can’t really do anything to get back at people. I wish there was a way to just inconvenience them or just scare them a little. To get back at society as a whole, you know?

Anonymous 10811

Relatable. I get why there are vigilante wannabe spergs out there. It would be nice to live out some power fantasy God-Of-The-New-World type shit. Alas, best we can do is type kys, lmao.

Anonymous 10837

i cannot express the hate i feel for this image and the mommy goth moids who like it

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