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Anonymous 10677

The CEO of YouTube passed away recently of Cancer. I personally believe the swamp took her out because she outlived her usefulness. There are 3 ways the swamp takes people out cancer, cardiac arrest, and suicide.
One person I talked to that I suspect of being apart of the swamp did a Freudian slip and talked about a guy she knew who got cancer and there was nothing wrong with him before. Really makes you think

Anonymous 10678

it could also be that she lived a very stressful life being the CEO of various large monopolies and was also 56 years old.

> got cancer and there was nothing wrong with him

yes that is how being sick usually happens, you are not sick, and then you get sick

Anonymous 10684

>There are 3 ways the swamp takes people out cancer, cardiac arrest, and suicide.
I mean, cancer and cardiovascular disease are literally the two leading causes of non-accidental death. So like, other than suicide, that's really just the main ways people die.

Anonymous 10694

it is odd her son died so abruptly before her death. it's also pretty crazy that she worked so long at such a corpo pod person job just to die so young - what was it all for?

Anonymous 10695

Sometimes it's a phenomenon that parents die shortly after their children or vice versa, it happened with Sinead O'Conner after her son died, and Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher

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